How To Apply Online For UPSC 2022
The Civil Service Examination is a national examination conducted by the Union Public Service Commission to recruit potential candidates for joint civil service positions in the Indian government.
UPSC has released the notification on the 2nd of February 2022, from where you will not only learn about the eligibility criteria but also get to know other detailed information regarding UPSC (like exam pattern, syllabus, vacancies, exam center, and many more).
UPSC has started the registration process on its official website for UPSC CSE. The last date to complete the application process for UPSC CSE is the 22nd of February, 2022. This article will guide you step-by-step to fill out the online application form for UPSC 2022.
Note: Before, proceeding to fill out the application form for UPSC CSE, it is essential to know about the eligibility criteria before applying for UPSC CSE.
To apply for UPSC Exam 2022, follow the steps mentioned below:
Admit Card
The UPSC CSE Prelims Admit Card 2022 will be released 15 days before the Prelims Exam Date, which you can download from the official website of UPSC.
Keep the following points in mind while filling up the application form.
a. Center of Examination
c. Medium of Examination
d. Compulsory Indian Language for UPSC CSE Mains
To prepare for UPSC, consider Examarly. Being a self-study platform, Examarly will help you at each aspect of your UPSC Prelims Preparation journey. It will not only provide you with your personalized micro plan but also track your progress at each step. Not only preparation will be effective in this platform, but also you can give daily tests that will strengthen your subjects and boosts your confidence.
With Examarly, your preparation for UPSC will be hassle-free.
UPSC 2022 notification has been released on 2nd February 2022 on the official website of UPSC. From there you can check out the schedule of the UPSC 2022 Exam date. Candidates who are unable to clear UPSC before can reattempt the exam by reapplying for UPSC 2022 this time. If
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