Study In Canada
Study In Canada

IRCC make changes to the study visa in Canada by expanding the Student Direct Stream (SDS) up to 7 new countries.

Columbia, Peru, and Brazil are now included among the seven countries in Canada’s fast-track program for international students.

The Student Direct Stream (SDS) is a program that offers an alternative to expedite the processing of study permit to those who are looking to study in a Canadian designated learning institution(DLI). Any potential international students to Canada are first required to receive a Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from a DLI.

For most international students, the SDS has proved to be beneficial as it offers greater certainty of approval for the study permit application. From the perspective of IRCC and DLI’s, the SDS is beneficial in providing students that are genuinely interested in pursuing education in Canada, and are not using the study permit as a loophole for entering Canada for another alternative purpose.