Top 4 Reasons To Choose AngularJS Framework For Web App Development
Get in touch with a reliable custom web application development company like AngularJS India to create a robust & intuitive app. By using the popular AngularJS front-end development framework, create a feature-rich and fully customized application to meet your business purpose.

There is no dearth of technology options to create a robust, customized, and in-demand application or software. When you try to find the one, you got so many technologies, tools, and frameworks options at the front. Concerning the same, AngularJS is one such front-end development framework used extensively across the business ecosystem. So, here in this blog, you will learn as to why to select the AngularJS framework for web app development. Not just in terms of its benefits, but also in terms of popular apps available on the same along with key features of the framework. 


With no further ado, let's get started on the same.



Do you know anything about the AngularJS framework?


As we have already mentioned, AngularJS is a front-end web app development framework. But that's not all. There is something more to know about this framework. First of all, it's an open-source framework that has the feature of extending the capabilities of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. With that means, hire front end Angular developer to create a dynamic, robust, intuitive, and truly engaging web application to meet a business requirement with ease.


Another thing that you should know is that earlier, AngularJS was not limited to the extent of developing SPA (Single Page Application). But with the changing time and demand, this framework has extended its capabilities towards creating web apps, video-streaming apps, user reviews applications, weather information apps, and the list goes on.


Even from the technical perspective, AngularJS is an apt web development framework that provides the following advantages to developers.


· Seamless data binding: During the process of developing a web application, experienced developers need to consistently create duplicate codes. And for the smooth synchronization of all such codes, the data binding feature of this framework comes at the front.

· Fast work with dependency injection: With that means, dependency injection helpers developers to create the web app fast and test the same in real-time. It ultimately results in quick deployment of your business web app with no hassle at all.

· Intuitive user interface: Developers will not find any trouble working on the engaging user interface of this framework. Its organized and further results in rendering and modifying the crucial web app development components.

· Cross-platform compatibility: AngularJS is fully compatible with different choices of operating systems and platforms. Thus, it helps create cross-platform applications with fewer dependencies and ease.



Which popular AngularJS web apps you should know?


Now that you have got the basic idea of AngularJS front-end web app development framework. But still, before you proceed to hire AngularJS programmer for your next project, better to have a look at a few popular apps based on this framework.


Here are a few popular web apps.


· T-Mobile

· Upwork

· Spirit

· Cricbuzz

· StarTribune

· Southwest Community

· Sling

· Scholastic

· Netflix

· SalonTV


And the list goes on.


What are the benefits of using AngularJS for web app development?


Let's come to know a few reasons or benefits of developing your web app by using the AngularJS framework.


· Reusability of Code: As the name itself implies, the AngularJS framework offers the benefits of code reusability without indulging developers to create code again & again. Once created code for a particular industrial website, programmers can reuse the same code while creating another website of a similar domain. Not just this only, but even for cross-platform web app development, reusing code is beneficial, efficient, and faster. 

· Seamless testing process: The framework enables a continuous testing process during different development stages to ensure every single attribute & component is correct. With the help of this framework, testing experts have the flexibility to test each

· Easy to maintain web app: Maintaining an application is an imperative task to ensure users access the platform seamlessly. Regarding the same, not all applications can be maintained easily. But it's not the case with AngularJS-based web applications. This framework of apps allows the developers to maintain each significant component of the app and easy to detect issues, bugs, and other irregularities to fix the same on time. 

· Extensive community support: Expect to avail of on-time technical assistance to fix web app issues & maintain the same with the help of large community support. The AngularJS learned community features a wide range of talented professionals dispersed across the globe to consistently support and monitor the web apps to ensure a seamless usage factor.


Concluding Thoughts


Developing a web application is a competitive approach to making your business presence felt in the digital space and capturing the attention of potential customers. To do the same, get in touch with a reliable custom web application development company like AngularJS India to create a robust & intuitive app. By using the popular AngularJS front-end development framework, create a feature-rich and fully customized application to meet your business purpose.