Are iOS Apps The Future Of Mobile App Development Services?
The mobile app development industry has seen a huge growth in recent years. Ios takes app development to the next level & benefits ios & mobile app developers.

Are iOS Apps The Future Of Mobile App Development Services?

In 2008, Apple launched App Store, and in a year, it had just 500 applications and hardly any prominent iOS app development company to deliver leading digital products. 

But in early 2022, several iOS app development services providers entered the market, and the number reached 2.2 million apps for iOS, making it the 2nd largest app store (Android is the first with 3.5 million apps).

But why are the popularity of iOS-exclusive devices, web apps, and iOS applications increasing daily and close to Android? It is because of the innovation and value that the iOS apps bring to the business. Therefore, iOS app UI/UX design and development has always been a lucrative idea for any business.

In this article, we will look at some key reasons iOS app development services are the future of mobile apps.

History of iOS Mobile App Development Services

Initially, iOS app development was limited to desktop computers, as the iPhone SDK was available for Macs. This wasn’t a problem for most developers since their primary machines were Macs, but it was a limitation for many people. 

The launch of Xcode on iPad Pro in 2019 made it possible to develop full-service iOS applications directly on the iOS machine (with an external keyboard and an Apple Pencil connected), which is a big step forward.

Key Reasons Why IOS Development is the Future of Mobile Apps 

Now that we have briefly discussed the history, let’s look at why iOS app development and digital transformation are here to stay.

1. Wearable devices and IoT

iOS App Development Company

The WatchOS platform continues to grow and gain popularity, but the world of IoT is still in its infancy. While we have all the necessary resources to create IoT devices and custom iOS apps, we lack usable devices. The potential of IoT is also limited by its lack of adoption and use. 

This is another field where iOS applications can bridge the gap in the adoption of new and innovative product development; as a result, this development area is still up-and-coming and has potential that iOS developers should explore. 

2. Security Issues with Android Apps

Several security experts report that Apple has done a great job with iOS security features. However, Apple strictly defines what devices are eligible to run a particular version of iOS. 

Most Android manufacturers take their time to release updates and have customized Android versions, making it hard for developers to cover all devices. 

Unlike this, in the case of iOS, the upgrade is distributed only by Apple. This closed environment adds to the security of iOS devices and applications. 

While Google continues to battle malware in its efforts to secure the Android mobile operating system, iOS has the advantage in this aspect.

3. Cross-Platform Development

Most companies have to manage iOS and Android apps regarding cross-platform development. However, many tools, such as Flutter and React Native, support this process. 

These frameworks provide a unified workflow for a developer when building cross-platform apps. Although apps created this way aren’t usually made for iOS, Android is given priority. 

Therefore, it is recommended to use the native platforms of Apple and Google when developing applications.

4. iOS Users Spend More

Another reason iOS development is more rewarding is that iOS users spend more money frequently. According to a survey by AppsFlyer, the average monthly app spend for a paying user is $9.60 for iOS users. 

In contrast, an Android user’s monthly average spending is only $5.20. Another benefit of business apps is that nearly 35% more iOS users spend on business apps.

5. User Loyalty

Apple User Loyalty


iOS is known for its brand loyalty, and Apple’s customers are known for their loyalty and are likelier to stick with the same ecosystem and hardware for long periods. 

This reliability translates to more revenue for developers, as each new project only needs to focus on the latest operating system and hardware version. Also, it minimizes the required testing and speeds up the development process.

6. Ease of development

You will find many options when you want to develop an architecture for your iOS application. And you can consider using one of the standard approaches, such as MVC or MVVM, or you can go further and create a one-way architecture, such as Redux or Flux. 

Whatever you choose, developing apps for iOS is much easier than for Android or any other mobile platform. Android has a very fragmented market, so mobile app developers will have to test and iterate their apps for multiple devices. Instead, mobile app developers find creating apps for iOS much simpler.

7. iOS App Store’s Review Policies

iOS App Store’s Review Policies


Apple also has a stringent review policy for the iOS App Store, meaning you will not find any spam apps or phishing attacks in the App Store. This is crucial to ensure that iOS users do not get viruses or malware on their devices. 

In addition, developers/publishers have to pay a yearly fee to put their apps on the store, and even then, they are subjected to some quality standards; as a result, iOS apps are fast and less buggy.

8. iOS Is More Prevalent In The Enterprise

One of the main reasons iOS app development is the future of mobile apps is that iOS devices are more prevalent in the enterprise. 

Companies prefer their employees to use iOS devices over Android because they feel it is more secure. 

9. Apple Swift

Initially, developers were offered to write applications in Objective C. The Swift programming language appeared in 2014 as an alternative, along with the loss of support for Adobe Flash. 

Creating iOS apps in Objective C is still possible, but it’s almost never a good idea, especially for new project management. 

With the Swift language, the whole approach to application development has changed. The language is much easier to learn and use, leading more and more people to switch to iOS development.

Apple Swift ios app development

Source: CometChat

It is a modern language that has several advantages over Objective-C. Here are some benefits Swift offers:

  • Automatic memory management
  • Improved readability
  • Closures are easier to use in Swift
  • Easy to build a library and frameworks using Swift because of its open-source nature
  • There are options in Swift to use Apple’s “Unit Testing” and “Behavior Testing.”
  • Swift and Objective-C can work together and let developers write iOS and macOS code.

Since its initial open-source release in 2015, Swift has become one of the most popular languages ​​in active development on GitHub. In the first week, more than 20,000 users had starred it on GitHub, the highest for any language on GitHub at that time. 

Swift is a powerful language in enterprises today for creating iOS applications. This programming language was developed to make a better and enhanced platform for developers to establish Apple devices, and many companies use Swift to build iOS apps. 

10. Apple

Apple is not giving up in the field of mobile devices, as well as being a leader in desktop computing. The company is also venturing into AR/VR with the recently announced Apple Glasses. Nevertheless, the company’s devices need a solid background for their development, and that’s when the apps come into play.

Apple’s support for developers is one of the critical reasons iOS development is the future of mobile apps. Apple has released a new developer tool: the so-called Developer Transition Kit. 

aaple mobile app development company


This new kit contains all the features required to build apps for the Mac, which is a part of the “Universal App Quick Start Program.” The program includes full access to beta software and tools required to develop apps, the Developer Transition Kit (DTK), learning resources, technical support, and private forums.


IOS is an excellent environment for iOS app development services. If you have some targets in mind to build a mobile app for your business, it’s time to hire dedicated teams of iOS developers. In this article, we looked over why iOS apps can spearhead the future of mobile app development. 

If you are an iOS developer yourself, then it’s now time to provide your clients with customer-centric iOS apps. 

If you’re interested in learning more about iOS application development or getting your business’ mobile app off the ground with expert iPhone app developers, the IOS app development company at  WeDoWebapps can help you! 

We are an award-winning Mobile app development company providing a wide range of digital products in mobile app development services such as UI/UX design, web appsproduct development, testing, project management, etc. Contact us today!


1. Why are iOS apps so popular?

There are several reasons for this. On the surface, we can say that it’s because:

  • Apple customers are loyal.
  • iPhone is the cultural symbol of their status and wealth.
  • Apple offers a great ecosystem and user experience for its end consumers and developers.

This contributes to the brand image and creates a positive loop, contributing to the popularity of iPhones and iOS apps. 

2. How are iOS apps different from other operating systems?

The key difference is that Apple is focused on a closed model. This goes beyond just development. If we look at Android, the direct competitor to iOS, Android is open-source, and most platforms even allow multiple app stores and third-party apps. 

On the other hand, all iOS apps must conform to Apple’s standards, and only approved applications can be installed. Further, Apple’s control over the operating systems and the updates add to the system’s security for the end users and ease of development for developers.

3. Why can’t you write native android apps with swift?

Swift is not compatible with Android because swift is an award-winning Apple product. Apple has no plans on developing a Compiler to run on Android because they would be helping their competitors. 

4. What is the next step for swift?

The next step for Swift might be to make it compatible with other Apple operating systems. It might change iOS app development completely. We can expect Apple Glasses integration, VR/AR support, and emulation.

5. What are some of the latest iOS apps and Apple Features?

Apple has recently announced some new features for the iPhone 16. These include allowing users to add keys to their wallet app directly and support for hotel keys. They have also mentioned future support for “Apple Pay Later,” allowing users to split their transactions into EMIs. Finally, the Wallet app on iOS 16 will also offer detailed receipts and order tracking information for Apple Pay transactions.

We can expect a transformation in the coming years, such as introducing new APIs and libraries for all of these announced features, along with several added layers of security. Several key components may be restructured to make the upcoming features more secure.

6. Is app development with iOS going to stay this way forever?

Apple is a brand that is constantly innovating, so it is difficult to predict what it will do next. For example, by 2022, Apple’s mobile operating system market share is expected to be 20% against 78% for Android. However, even with this vast difference, iOS has paved the way for revenue generation for many app developers.