What exactly is the Metaverse? Interpreting the 3 Key Words of the Metaverse
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In the past 2022, metaverse is undoubtedly the hottest word.

Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook, changed the name of the company to META (taken from the noun Metaverse, that is, metaverse), and claimed to create a metaverse world within 5 years.

What is the Metaverse?

There are still various opinions about what the Metaverse is.

For example, e-commerce companies like Alibaba are focusing on launching a virtual reality online shopping world, that is, using VR equipment to simulate realistic shopping scenes in the process of online shopping to make up for some bad shopping experiences in the current e-commerce economy. .

For example, clothes cannot be tried on, pictures have color difference, food cannot be tasted, etc.

But as the biggest promoter of the Metaverse Development Company concept, technology companies like Facebook not only want to commit to deepening the network of the real economy, but also want to create a new form of virtual economy to seek more benefits.

The definition of Metaverse on Wikipedia refers to a persistent and decentralized online three — dimensional virtual environment .

In this concept, there are three keywords that we need to pay attention to, namely

  1. decentralization
  2. online three-dimensional virtual environment.

The 3 Key Words of the Metaverse

In 2045, game developer Halliday developed a virtual reality game called “Oasis”. Through VR equipment, players can enter the simulated reality game world and obtain a real game experience. This is the background setting in the movie “Ready Player One” shot by director Steven Spielberg in 2018. Whether or not the game “Oasis” belongs to a Metaverse Development Services needs to be tested by these 3 key words.

1. The metaverse needs to be able to exist forever

Many people think that Metaverse is just a game company using a new concept to hype online games. Every game currently on the market has an operating company behind it. If the company does not manage well and does not find a “taker”, then a game may disappear from the market. However, the metaverse is different from online games. It needs to ensure that as long as human civilization continues, it will always exist. In order for the metaverse to exist forever, it needs to be realized through decentralized technology.

2. Decentralization

Decentralization is also a word that has appeared frequently in recent years.

To understand what is decentralization, we can start with what is centralization.

For example, if a game company develops an online game, then in the process of development and operation, relevant staff can formulate, modify and improve the corresponding game rules, and players need to obey these corresponding game rules while enjoying the service rule.

Although game developers will still consider the player’s game experience in order to obtain greater benefits, they are still the “gods” in this virtual world and can modify or even terminate this virtual world at any time.

In the decentralized metaverse world, there is no such “god” existence as the game manager (GM).

In other words, even if Zuckerberg develops the metaverse world, this metaverse is not a product belonging to META, and the “game” rules of this world cannot be modified.

In the world of Metaverse, through blockchain technology, a system that can maintain the fairness of the system can be built by itself . This is also the most fascinating part of the metaverse. Although it is virtual, through the consensus algorithm (to put it simply, once someone cheats and modifies the data, everyone’s Metaverse Development solution data will change accordingly. Therefore, everyone is a member of the metaverse. A “supervisor” in the universe) can maintain the fairness of this world.

Unlike online games, its existence does not need to depend on game operators, but an operating system that can exist forever.

3. An upgraded version of the experience-based economy

As mentioned earlier, the Metaverse cannot be a product of a certain company, so why are there so many companies investing in the research and development of the Metaverse?

The concept of the metaverse began in 1992 with a science fiction novel called “Avalanche”, so many people will be blinded by its sci-fi cloak. You must know that it is some Internet giants who are now vigorously promoting the concept of metaverse.

For capitalists, behind all actions is to make a profit.

The purpose of creating an online three-dimensional virtual environment is, in fact, to provide consumers with a realistic experience.

In the era of agricultural economy, the core is agricultural products; in the era of industrial economy, the core is manufactured products; in the era of service economy, the core is social services; and after entering the era of experience economy, products become more abstract , more emphasis on customer feelings and psychological experience.

In the short film “Everybody Loves Charles”, A Jiang, played by Ma Boqian, enters a virtual world through a VR device, where he can “eat” the most expensive food for very little money.

In other words, for metaverse merchants, the product is not the metaverse itself, but by creating a metaverse world, a lower-cost “experiential product” can be sold to consumers, so as to achieve the purpose of profit.

According to news reports, on a metaverse-related app, a set of virtual sea view villas originally priced at 88 yuan has now been fired up to 100,000 yuan; a virtual real estate developer even bought a piece of virtual land for 4.3 million U.S. dollars .

Some people smell business opportunities behind these data, while others believe that this is another “concept trap” for capitalists to introduce new ones. But regardless of whether Metaverse will become a commercial hit in the future, the pursuit of experience has become the current mainstream of consumption.

We are obsessed with fictional novels, illusory games and even false traffic personas, as long as they can stimulate the sensory experience, they may be packaged as a popular commodity.

Maybe the world is indeed becoming more and more “false”, because the psychological “truth” is an experience that everyone has at the moment.