DOT Qualified SAP List near me | SAP Evaluation
The SAP Evaluation is a program designed to provide support and resources for individuals who have been convicted of alcohol-related or drug-related offenses. The SAP is also designed to help these individuals avoid the relapse of their substance abuse problem.

DOT Qualified SAP List near me | SAP Evaluation

The SAP Evaluation is a program designed to provide support and resources for individuals who have been convicted of alcohol-related or drug-related offenses. The SAP is also designed to help these individuals avoid the relapse of their substance abuse problem.

The SAP has three major components:

The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has a regulation that governs the transportation of hazardous materials. It is called the Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR). The DOT requires that all drivers, shippers, carriers, and receivers of hazardous materials must be trained in how to handle these materials safely and securely.

The DOT also has a requirement for employees who are not driving but who work with hazardous materials in other ways to be trained as well. This requirement is called the Substance Abuse Program (SAP). In order to comply with these regulations, it is important to know where one can find a DOT Qualified SAP List near me.