Why is New York good for technology? | by Ezra Colton | Dec, 2021 | Medium
New York is now considered to be a technology hub for people. Recently in New York and other cities, the COVID-19 pandemic has arisen that…

Why is New York good for technology? | by Ezra Colton | Dec, 2021 | Medium

Ezra Colton

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Why is New York good for technology?

Ezra Colton

Ezra Colton

Dec 14, 2021·4 min read

New York is now considered to be a technology hub for people. Recently in New York and other cities, the COVID-19 pandemic has arisen that move working in offices to home and provide an enormous lift to digital platforms for telecommuting, and online teaching. Yet the tech industry has also produced some of the most noteworthy spaces for face-to-face communication of recent years. These are the meetups, startups accelerators, and invention districts that make up an internationally hegemonic revolution complex. But the question is still why NYC is good for technology? We are going to discuss all major aspects regarding this in the following:

Amazon has not revealed the job guides for its second headquarters, but the firm said they would be good earning jobs. Several of the places are probably positioned for skilled computer engineers, who can get six-figure salaries. Specialists say the powerful demand for technologists permits workers to knack even higher wages, with top tech companies challenging for the finest workers, dampening the costs of living in New York.

SoftCircles, LLC is a software development company in New York efficiently working in the IT industry. They are providing excellent services in software development, mobile and web app development, web design and development, and more visit their website for more details.

Originally published at on December 14, 2021.

I’m a graphic artist with extensive experience in different design areas ranging from web, design & development and corporate identity to illustration.

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I’m a graphic artist with extensive experience in different design areas ranging from web, design & development and corporate identity to illustration.