Top IT Staff Augmentation Trends You Mustn’t Miss Out On In 2022
In the post-pandemic world, global IT outsourcing is skyrocketing. As companies learn to adjust to changing work styles, here are some of the changes we foresee for IT staff augmentation services in 2022.

The rapidly shifting business landscape in the post-Covid world is undergoing many reforms. From work culture to business models and plans, practices are changing all over. An increasingly common trend among companies in 2022 involves an emphasis on hybrid working styles and remote working arrangements.

This has resulted in large numbers of IT staff augmentation services being offered. Innovations brought about by globalization and digitization also make accessing these augmented staffing options much easier than before.

In this article, we take a look at what the trends for IT staff augmentation are in 2022—but first, let's cover some basic information about this type of workforce arrangement.

What is Staff Augmentation?

With staff augmentation, you outsource the necessary skills from a third party and then bring them back to your company on a contract basis. The temporary worker provides their skills while working under the supervision of your company as they would any other employee.

IT Staff Augmentation is when you are looking specifically for technical expertise - such as designers, developers, or programmers. Moreover, if you hire dedicated developers, you'll need only briefly in order to complete specific projects. By doing so, you can save money while hiring the skill sets you need at just the right time.

IT Staff Augmentation Trends in 2022

In the post-pandemic world, global IT outsourcing is skyrocketing. As companies learn to adjust to changing work styles, here are some of the changes we foresee for IT staff augmentation services in 2022.

Cyber security: With the remote workforce increasing, cyber security has become an even more pressing concern. Organizations are scrambling to keep up with ever-increasing threats from hackers with the rising demand for cyber security professionals necessary to defend systems against these dangers.

Modern Tech Stack: Advanced technologies are impacting every aspect of work and life. Cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics automation, and Blockchain technology will continue to change how we interact with each other and function at school or at home. There will be a growing need for those who specialize in these areas such as DevOps engineers.

The customer experience (CX): Organizations have long been focused on improving CX, which has translated to revenue in today’s hyper-competitive marketplace. With this focus comes new opportunities for those working with customer experience. Whether you work at a small company or a large corporation, there is potential for great success within the increasingly popular CX field.

Soft skills: As the staff augmentation market is maturing and increasing competition among workers intensifies, companies are looking for competent employees who possess these so-called soft skills. This includes good communication skills, people skills, time management, etc.

New Locations: With the increased popularity of staff augmentation services, there has been an influx of vendors from different regions who are now providing these types of products and entering into fierce competition with other established businesses.

Global Market Accessibility: Companies who want to continue hiring top talent are realizing that their local competitors might not be able to provide them with what they need. Thanks to the remote work style, it's become much easier for companies across the world to contact high-quality resources through staffing agencies. This trend will continue in the future too.

Wrapping Up

IT augmentation is an immense blessing for businesses that face the difficulty of recruiting candidates who will stay with them in the long term. The IT outsourcing services company provides all that is needed whether it be someone to work on a temporary basis or as an employee.

Additionally, there is no need for constant recruitment - something which frees up time within an organization, allowing employees to focus on more important tasks.