Is React Native the Future of Mobile App Development?
Do you know that React Native is quite a popular JavaScript framework among developers? Amazing UI, smoother experience, compatibility with third party plugins, etc. just makes React Native app development the ideal choice for many developers and businesses!

React Native is an open source framework based on JavaScript and was formerly called the JavaScript library of Facebook. It is used to build mobile applications for the two prominent operating systems like iOS and Android.

When you choose to React Native app development services to build mobile apps, the resultant apps have the same quality and features like the ones developed using Objective C or Java. By using React Native, development can go with cross-platform app development and build apps which you can easily share between iOS and Android platforms with ease. This makes things simpler for them.

Again, it is time-consuming to build quality native apps while cross-platform apps can offer quick deployment.

With the changing needs of this fast moving world, developers need a faster and effective solution to build revolutionary mobile apps which is capable to meet the market needs. React Native which is capable to build brilliant apps emerges as a viable solution to handle the situation.

When to opt for React Native App Development to build your apps?

No doubt there are a few scenarios where React Native works well for you and they are mentioned below:

    When you have a limited app development budget

    When you have less time to build individual apps for Android and iOS

    When you want to build an app from the scratch

Why you should consider going for React Native for your future mobile app development needs?

The following are the top reasons which point to the importance of React Native as your mobile app development solution.

    Single Codebase

When it comes to the general app development scene, different codebases are used for Android and iOS platforms. However, when you choose to go for React Native, you get to build apps which run on iOS and Android alike just by using a single codebase.

Being a single codebase, React Native developers will have to write the code only once and then it can be run on different platforms with ease without having to go through the hassle of writing it again. In the end, what we expect out of app development is to bring down the efforts and costs while speeding up the development phases and React Native makes this possible.

    Get live updates instantly

Live Update is an important benefit of using React Native. Instead of following the normal way of pushing updates into the app store for the update cycle, developers get to directly send the updates to the user’s phone by the use of JavaScript.

This means that you will not have to deal with the older version of the app and the users will get to use the new version immediately. Again, with React Native everything is simple and streamlined.

CodePush SDK – a live update service from Microsoft are smooth and hassle-free. Dynamic updating promises real-time updates without rolling-out multiple versions for minor app changes.

The only issue with it is that you can only update the JavaScript files and the assets by using it. For the rest, the normal update process of going through the Play Store or App Store is required for the Native OS.

    Native functionality

Mobile apps developed using React Native, functions in the same way like native apps do which is why it got its name React Native and when it comes to the usability of React Native app, keyboard behavior, scroll accelerations and animations then it plays a major role and so developers cannot ignore it.

You can find native widgets in the user interface of the React Native apps which works flawlessly. Even the most complex of React Native apps can run seamlessly and even outperform the normal native apps when build using JavaScript. This means if you want to build robust apps just like following the native app development process then choosing React Native can be the best solution.