How IT Staff Augmentation Services Help Hiring The Best Tech Talent
Get in touch with OrangeMantra to find your augmented staff member with ease. This company extends its augmented staff support to a wide range of industries and businesses along with maintaining a high success rate.

Staying competitive in the current business scenario is no longer just a necessity. But a matter of long-term survival. This loud thinking is extending across industries due to the uncertainty that prevails after the unexpected pandemic. At present, most organizations want to stay competitive by delivering feature-rich solutions to clients.  

For the successful implementation of customer projects, it is essential to have the required talent and workforce. All the more imperative is skill upgradation to showcase an upscale level of professionalism. However, hiring full-time employees has become a cumbersome process for companies during urgent talent requirements. Even the recruitment cost goes up to match the level of the candidate's requirement. 

Thus to solve the issue, several technology staff augmentation companies in India offer temporary or permanent workforce at low cost. IT staffing is a perfect way to acquire technical resources to meet urgent project requirements and ensure work efficiency. Moreover, this service allows you to hire the top tech talent for the organization to ensure work success and speedy delivery.  

A short introduction to staff augmentation 

Staff augmentation is a service offered by an IT and software outsourcing company that allows you to hire technical candidates to fill up your talent gap. The service helps you avail fresher or experienced technical members in particular technology and domain to become part of your time. Unlike the traditional hiring model, IT staffing allows you to get the resource instantly to fill up the temporary or permanent position.  

The service is based on contractual terms that allow you to hire talent for a specific duration and allowed work on a particular project only. Whenever you face a talent crunch within the organization, rely on staff augmentation to bridge the gap. With this talent outsourcing model, you will find readily available technical experts to become part of your team. And immediately start working on your crucial project.  

Common situations to hire augmented staff from an outsourcing company.  

• When one or more technical members of your existing team are on leave.

• When you require an extra set of technical hands to work on a particular project. 

• At the time of saving recruitment costs and timeline. 

• Hire an augmented tech talent at the time of developing new products.

• Require external IT professional advice on the in-house project. 

Know the Difference Between Staff Augmentation & Other Models  

Hiring a technical staff member can be permanent or temporary as per your project requirements. Therefore, IT resource hiring is divided into two major types namely staff augmentation and managed services. And it is imperative to know the difference between the three to make the best hiring decision.  

• Staff augmentation: Under this hiring model, as an enterprise, you can hire dedicated developer for an ongoing or newly started project. It is an ideal way to recruit a source on a short-term or long-term basis as per the project requirement along with scaling up and owning accordingly. Also, comparatively, augmenting a staff member or a team is cost-effective. 

• Managed IT service: In the managed IT service, as an organization, you source the complete website or app development project to a particular company. The outsourcing company is entirely responsible for the design, development, testing, and deployment of your technical project. As an organization, you just need to gather the updates, and no need to involve in detail. 

 Benefits You Receive with Staff Augmentation Services 

Augmented staff members certainly play an active role in speeding up your development and final deployment. Instant to-hire resources on short-term or long-term basis provide further set of advantages.


• Boost work productivity: When you hire an augmented staff member, such professional works solely on your dedicated project. So, there will be no such distraction from multiple work responsibilities. Dedicated technical talent will concentrate on a particular project only and thereby showcase an enhanced level of productivity. This, in turn, benefits your organization to ensure on-time delivery of the task. 

• Flexible work process: There is complete flexibility on your part to hire and scale down the augmented staff members as per the work requirement. That's why it is best referred to as a contractual resource hiring model based on your technical project needs.

• Save on recruitment cost: In terms of cost, IT staff augmentation is an affordable resource hiring model compared to other options available for you. Staffing vendors are responsible for the screening and infrastructural support of your augmented members. You just need to pay for the staff member's work.

 Hire Augmented Staff with OrangeMantra 

Undoubtedly, IT staff augmentation is an affordable, efficient, and proven resource-hiring model for all sorts of companies. It allows recruiting IT talent at the last minute without facing any hassle. Therefore, get in touch with OrangeMantra to find your augmented staff member with ease. This company extends its augmented staff support to a wide range of industries and businesses along with maintaining a high success rate.