How IoT is Boosting Healthcare Application Development
Application of IoT in healthcare apps involves automation to smoothen the workflow. Healthcare organisations can utilize IoT to automate and automate patient care workflow with the help of mobility solutions and other connectivity enabling technologies such as bluetooth, Wi-Fi and other modern protocols.

Almost every quarter, the healthcare application development industry experiences an innovation, and most of these advances involve IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) has discovered numerous healthcare software development use cases that have the potential to change how healthcare services are delivered around the world today. 

Remote patient monitoring can be a lifesaver in situations involving medical emergencies like an asthma or diabetes attack, a serious cardiac ailment, an accidental injury, etc. IoT app solutions make it possible to link a patient's smartphone application with a smart medical device, allowing for real-time patient monitoring. The doctor can take appropriate measures after receiving information about an emergency condition from the connected devices.