Best University for phd in India | PhD Colleges in Hyderabad - Woxsen University
If Ph.D. is your goal, then you must earn it from the best university for Ph.D. in India. Know more what our Ph.D. College in Hyderabad, Telangana offers for aspirants at Woxsen University. Enquire Now.

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Master’s degree holder or an equivalent professional degree by the corresponding statutory regulatory body, with minimum 55% aggregate (or its equivalent grade).

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About Woxsen’s Ph.D. Program

In a world increasingly driven by knowledge and new technology, Doctoral education has become of paramount significance for salvation and growth of today’s knowledge-based economy.

Both the Full-Time & Executive Ph.D. at Woxsen University are high-potential, research-based, interdisciplinary programs, across the breadth of academic fields. The programs offer an unparalleled platform to conduct world-class research that would influence practices and policies for a global impact. Research, rigorous coursework and interaction with faculty, mentors and peers will foster deep understanding of their chosen field and contemporary issues.

The programs are designed to provide a structured approach to the professional development of the Ph.D. students. The program will enable them to make significant discovery central to the flourishing knowledge-based economy, whether they choose to work in academics, gain domain expertise in their current profession or chose to explore new career pathways.

The allocation of Research Supervisor for a Ph.D. scholar shall be decided by Woxsen University considering the expertise of the supervisors and research interests of the scholars, as indicated by them during Round 2 of admission procedure.

Semester Course Title Semester 1.1 Principles of Management Semester 1.2 Research Methodology I Semester 2.1 Research Methodology II Semester 2.2 Marketing Analytics Semester 2.3 HR Analytics Semester 2.4 Competitive Intelligence Semester 2.5 Supply Chain Analytics Semester 2.5 Financial Analytics

The credit assigned to the Ph.D. course work shall be a minimum of 12 credits and a maximum of 16 credits. The course work shall be treated as prerequisite for preparing dissertation.

A minimum of four credits shall be assigned to courses on Research Methodology which shall cover areas such as quantitative methods, computer applications, research ethics and review of published research in the relevant field, training, field work, etc. Other courses shall be of advanced level suitable for preparing the students for Ph.D. degree.

All Ph.D. scholars shall be required to complete the course work prescribed by Woxsen University during the first year of Ph.D. A minimum of 55% of marks (or its equivalent grade) in the course work is essential to be eligible to continue in the Ph.D. program.

Semester Course Title Semester 3 Preparation of draft dissertation Semester 4 Pilot study/ prototype development, dissertation report submission and presentation and comprehensive viva voice

There shall be a Research Advisory Committee, to review the research proposal and finalize the topic of research, guide a Ph.D. scholar to develop the study design and methodology of research and identify the course(s) that he/she may have to do, and periodically review and assist in the progress of the research work of the research scholar.

The Research Advisory Committee must include the following three members: (i) the supervisor of the Ph.D. scholar, (ii) a faculty member from the same discipline, (iii) a faculty member from other discipline. A Research Advisory Committee may include a maximum of five members.

A Ph.D. scholar shall appear before the Research Advisory Committee once in every six months to make a presentation of the progress of his/her work for evaluation and further guidance.

In case the progress of a Ph.D. scholar is unsatisfactory, the Research Advisory Committee shall suggest corrective measures. The research scholar should implement these corrective measures.

At the end of second year, a Ph.D. scholar is supposed to prepare a draft dissertation. A total of 12 credits are allocated to the draft dissertation, accompanied with a comprehensive viva voice.

Upon satisfactory completion of course work in the first year, and draft dissertation in the second year, a Ph.D. scholar is expected to work on his/her final dissertation starting from the third year of Ph.D.

A Ph.D. Scholar may submit his/her dissertation any time after two and half years from enrolling in the course, subject to fulfillment of requirements of the Ph.D. program.

Prior to the submission of the final dissertation, the Ph.D. scholar shall make a presentation before the Research Advisory Committee. The feedback and comments obtained from the committee may be suitably incorporated into the dissertation.

A Ph.D. scholar must publish at least one research paper in a UGC-listed journal and make two paper presentations in conferences/seminars/doctoral colloquiums before the submission of the dissertation.

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Woxsen’s relentless efforts towards providing Global Exposure & Study Opportunity to its students has transpired into partnerships with World’s leading B-Schools/ Universities. . With Exclusive Student Exchange Programs, our meritorious students will get an opportunity to study one semester or more abroad.

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Opportunity to participate in Woxsen’s Student Exchange Program

Woxsen’s relentless efforts towards providing Global Exposure & Study Opportunity to its students has transpired into partnerships with World’s leading B-Schools. With Exclusive Student Exchange Programs, our meritorious students will get an opportunity to study one semester or more abroad.

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