5 Ways To Lure Customers With Cosmetic Hair Extension Boxes | DecentralBuzz
Make packaging that stands out and gives that boost your hair extensions customers need. Here are 5 tips to create trendy and lush custom hair extension boxes.

5 Ways To Lure Customers With Cosmetic Hair Extension Boxes | DecentralBuzz

You cannot outgrow glam. Especially the power of lush and beautiful hair. Not everyone has the perfect voluminous, sleek hair. It depends. But when there is only so much hair to style, women go for using hair extensions. We massively use hair extensions in the fashion industry. For you to sell your hair extensions in the market, you need not only the best hair extensions but also the best marketing strategies. The competition is high, and it is said to get even higher. If you want to leave an impression on your customers and beat your competitors, you need extravagant and unique cosmetic boxes.

Want to know why Luxy Hair and Glam Seamless are some of the best hair extension brands? We know them for their reliable cosmetic boxes. It protects the extensions and attracts the on-looker. The crucial question is, how can you create enticing enough packaging, that it stops the buyers from going to the other shop and choosing another brand? Well, worry not. GetCosmeticBoxes has all the information you need to lure customers in.

Make packaging that stands out and gives that boost your hair extensions need. Here are 5 tips to create trendy and lush hair extension boxes.

Most hair extension producers choose pre-made boxes to sell their valuable extensions. However, this is wrong and can land your business in the wrong limelight. If you really want to provide your ideal customers with the best hair extensions and a pleasant experience, try going for customized cosmetic boxes. These boxes are not only available to customize your hair extensions; they are used for various beauty and make-up goods (Like hair sprays. Hair serums, and chalks) and many face products. Some of the primary aims and benefits custom cosmetic boxes provide are:

If you are a beginner and you are looking for inspirations and trends, we got you covered! Are you are perhaps stuck, and you want some ideas and insight into what you can do to customize the cosmetic boxes? Ask these questions to yourself. This will help you know what exactly you want and what you can do to think out of the box.

Who is your ideal customer?

What age of women are you targeting? Is it something young girls like? Or are you going for ambitious women? Who exactly is your audience?

This will help you determine the style and the look of the packaging.

What style do you think would attract hair extension users more? Which style do they like? How can you create hair extension boxes that catch people’s attention?

Are you moody and brown like Indique hair? Or do you have pop colors for your extensions? Try to figure the style of your brand.

These questions are likely to help you create the perfect style for your cosmetic boxes so you can lure customers in. Hair extensions require the best packaging and that is the only way you can attract customers!

High-quality packaging is the only way to allure customers in. These are 5 effective tips we are sure will give you cosmetic boxes that will promote your business.

You need to think outside of the box but it doesn’t hurt to take some inspiration. Use trends that renowned companies have used and give it a unique touch of your own. Try adding popping colors or the colors that suit your brand.

Use different box styles to find the perfect unboxing experience. This will excite customers and is a great way to get the undivided attention of buyers. For more information on different box styles used for hair extension boxes, check out our box by style section. We are sure it will give you some ideas.

There are several unique printing options you can extract on your cosmetic boxes. The unique printing with exciting fonts and high-quality texture usually piques women’s curiosity. This is an effective way of attracting stylists and onlookers. It is never too old to give your hair extensions a makeover!

You might think of this part as an insignificant one. However, it is just as important as the whole designing process. Choosing the right shape is important for protecting your product, but it also serves as a curiosity factor for customers. Give the shape a little twist and give your cosmetic extension box that unique factor now!

Use Die-cuts, foil stamping, embossing and debossing, and various plating options to enhance the look of your cosmetic boxes. Adding features that excite people is also a great way to draw more and more customers. Strike-Through Matte, Gloss & Satin finishes are the most trendy options for cosmetic hair extension boxes.


Timeless product, timeless beauty. That is what we believe in. Have a reliable company design your custom cosmetic boxes for hair extensions, serums packaging, chalks, sprays, or tonics. This way you don’t have to worry about the manufacturing process and it gives you the freedom to choose. GetCosmeticBoxes is a trustworthy company you can rely on. We will provide you with the best hair product boxes. Choose us and you will get a free quote! Affordable, gorgeous, inside out. Customize your hair product boxes now!