Enrichment Activities for Dogs
Dogs have hunting genetics in them, so naturally they’ll have an affinity for games/jobs that revolve around chasing and grabbing.

Have you ever wondered why your dog gets so excited when they’re about to embark on physical activity, like going on a walk or playing a game of fetch? Dogs love the enrichment portion of their lives, as it brings them ultimate satisfaction. As a dog owner, how do you know what types of enrichment activities are best for your dog? A vet clinic Kerrville, TX looks at some of them. 

Predatory Activities

Dogs have hunting genetics in them, so naturally, they’ll have an affinity for games/jobs that revolve around chasing and grabbing. So if you propose any activity that involves stalking, and searching, your dog will likely love it. Other options include traditional dog games like fetch, tossing a Frisbee, and tug of war. Ultimately, every dog is different and will have its own unique preference.

Scavenging Activities

You’ll be hard-pressed to find a dog who doesn’t love the thrill of a scavenging-based activity. Basically, a scavenging-based activity is one that revolves around a dog acquiring food. Dog owners will have a variety of different tools at their disposal to stimulate this behavior from their dog, including treat-dispensing toys and puzzle toys.

Ask your local veterinary clinic Kerrville, TX for more information on enrichment activities for your dog.