Boosting Website Speed and Performance
There is no hiding the fact that search engine optimization depends on a fast and responsive website. Google has publicly acknowledged that page load times affect search engine rankings.

It’s important to prioritize the implementation of as many of the many methods available to increase website speed and performance. A few pointers are as follows:

  • Utilize a CDN (content delivery network). If your content is stored on multiple servers in different locations, your CDN can speed up the delivery process. If you employ a content delivery network (CDN), the content will be delivered from the geographically closest server to the user.
  • Fix the picture quality. Sometimes you have to wait for an image to load since it’s a big file. Images can be optimized for the web to take up less space without looking worse. Photoshop, photo-editing software, and the internet are only two of the many resources available to you.
  • Avoid making as many HTTP requests as possible. When a user navigates to a new page on your site, their browser will make an HTTP request for each image, script, and style sheet that it needs to display the page properly (stylesheets, scripts, images, etc.). It is possible to decrease the number of HTTP requests and speed up page loads by decreasing the number of necessary files.
  • The use of caching is recommended. With caching, frequently used files can be stored locally rather than constantly requested from the server.

For More Information:- The Importance of Website Speed and Performance for SEO