What is the current location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?
What is the current location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

What is the current location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a planned city under construction in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan. The city will be composed of six islands with a population of 1.5 million people when complete.

At this time, little information is available about the project other than the fact that it will be a significant development in Islamabad. Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a planned city under construction in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

At this time, little information is available about the project other than the fact that it will be a significant development in Islamabad. If you are interested in learning more about Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad or any further developments in Islamabad, please contact us at to speak with one of our experts.

What is Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a planned city located in the eastern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. It will be an integrated township comprising residential, commercial, and recreational areas. The township is expected to be completed by 2020.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad will be developed on an area of 1,500 hectares. The township will have a population of over 1 million people. It will include a recreational area with a lake and a theme park.

The project is controversial due to concerns about its environmental impact.

Where is Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is located in the Chak Shahzad area of Islamabad. It opened to the public in 2007 and has since been praised for its architecture and landscaping. The gardens are home to a variety of plant species, as well as fountains, lakes, and walkways.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is open daily from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm. Admission is free, and there is a parking fee.

The gardens are open from sunrise to sunset and can be accessed by car or bus.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is open daily from 8:00 am 8:00 pm. Admission is free, and various shuttle services are available to take visitors around the gardens.

How to reach Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

If you are looking for the location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad, then you can find it at Sector G-5/7, Islamabad. This is where the construction of this attraction is currently underway. The entire area will be covered with a garden and will feature some attractions and activities for visitors to enjoy.

If you are travelling from the north of the country, then you can reach Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad by taking the Expressway to Islamabad and then turning onto the Ring Road. From here, you should follow the signs to Sector G-5/7.

There are several ways that you can get to this location. First, you can take public transportation or walk if you are comfortable doing so.

If you are travelling to Islamabad by bus, you can reach the area by bus from the Jinnah International Airport. Alternatively, you can take a taxi from the airport.

If you are coming to Islamabad from the south, you should take the Expressway to Islamabad and exit near Sector G-5/7. Then, you can take a taxi or bus to the Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad location.

What are the features of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a lush green oasis located in the heart of Islamabad. The park features a variety of gardens with ponds, trees, and lawns. On-site amenities include a library, gym, and playground.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is home to several attractions, including an amphitheatre, a wedding hall, and a restaurant.

The park is open daily from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm.

The Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a beautiful oasis located in the heart of Islamabad. The park features a variety of gardens with ponds, trees, and lawns. On-site amenities include a library, gym, and playground. In addition, multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is home to several attractions, including an amphitheatre, wedding hall, and restaurant.

What are the hours of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is open from 7 am7 am to 10 pm10 pm.

The park is open daily from 7 am7 am to 10 pm10 pm.

Location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is currently located in the Green Zone of Islamabad. The area has been developed as a lush garden with fountains and waterfalls. It also has a children’s play area and a mosque.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is close to the Diplomatic Enclave and the National Assembly.

What are the features of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad will have a total area of 1.5 million sqft, making it one of the largest gardens in Pakistan. In addition, the garden will have a variety of amenities such as restaurants, cafes and shopping areas. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2019.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad will have a variety of gardens with ponds, trees, and lawns. The gardens will also have a library, gym and playground. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2019.

The garden will feature a rainforest canopy with over 800 trees, an aviary with over 200 birds, and a children’s play area. There will also be a wide range of plants and flowers on display and a pond that features fish and water lilies. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing or participating in leisure activities such as biking, roller skating or football.

How much will it cost to live in Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is currently located in Gulberg-I, Islamabad. The project is expected to cost around Rs 120 billion and will cover an area of 1,500 acres. The development will comprise a mixture of residential, commercial and recreational facilities.

It isn't easy to provide a definitive answer as price ranges for properties and amenities vary significantly depending on the location. However, living in Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is likely to cost around Rs 1 million per year.

When is the deadline to apply for Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad?

The deadline to apply for Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is March 30, 2019. Applicants must submit an application form, copies of documents that prove residency in Islamabad and proof of income.


The location of Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad still needs to be discovered, but we hope to have more information soon. In the meantime, please keep checking back for updates as we continue to search for this beautiful property.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a planned city under construction in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

At this time, little information is available about the project. Other than the fact that it will be a major development in Islamabad. If you are interested in learning more about Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad or any other developments in Islamabad, please get in touch with us at [email protected] to speak with one of our experts.

Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad is a planned city under construction in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan.

At this time, little information is available about the project. Other than the fact that it will be a major development in Islamabad. If you are interested in learning more about Multi Gardens Phase 2 Islamabad or any other developments in Islamabad, please get in touch with us at [email protected] to speak with one of our experts.