Top Trends to be Followed for DeFi Platform Development in 2021
Decentralized Finance is poised for another round of massive growth in 2021. This opens up opportunities for DeFi platforms to pour in innovative products in the market and lead the disruption.

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DeFi Platform Development

Decentralized Finance is poised for another round of massive growth in 2021. This opens up opportunities for DeFi platforms to pour in innovative products in the market and lead the disruption.

You steal the limelight and you steal the market shareAgainst the industry predictions earlier last year, DeFi grew like gangbusters and reignited the lost glory of crypto finance. Today, the market has propelled by 20x which in itself is a rare milestone. Trade experts who had written off the possibility of a parallel currency are now foreseeing 2021 as another landmark year. 


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