Myanmar coup: All about the crackdown
Myanmar, commonly known as Burma is a Southeast Asian nation bordering Bangladesh, China, Thailand, and India. It’s famous for its serene beaches and dedicated practice of Buddhism.

Myanmar, commonly known as Burma is a Southeast Asian nation bordering Bangladesh, China, Thailand, and India. It’s famous for its serene beaches and dedicated practice of Buddhism. Myanmar was under direct military rule back-and-forth from 1962 to 2011, when the military junta was officially dissolved until 1st February 2021. Unrest has taken hold of Myanmar as a coup d’état commenced on 1st February 2021. Ruthless military junta paved its way back to Myanmar after a decade-long period of democracy and pushed the nation into a state of precariousness and instability. Everything ranging from, the reason abaft the military coup in Myanmar to its repercussions on India, are explicated below. 

The military junta seized control of Myanmar on 1st February 2021 and declared a year-long state of emergency.

 Myanmar military kenned as Tatmadaw detained state counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi, President Win Myint, and hundreds of members from the ruling National League for Democracy (NLD) party.