Cluster Headaches
The primary symptom of Cluster Headaches is severe pain on one side of the head, usually around or behind the eye. The pain is often described as a stabbing or burning sensation and can last anywhere from 15 minutes to three hours. During a cluster period, headaches can occur several times a day, with some individuals experiencing up to eight headaches in a single day.
Other symptoms that may occur during a cluster period include:
- Redness or swelling of the affected eye
- A drooping eyelid or a small pupil on the affected side
- Sweating or flushing of the face on the affected side
- A stuffy or runny nose on the affected side
- Restlessness or agitation
The exact pattern of symptoms can vary from person to person, and some individuals may experience additional symptoms, such as nausea or sensitivity to light or sound.
Read More- https://cmiblogdailydose.blogspot.com/2023/04/cluster-headaches-it-occurs-in-cyclical.html