With the popularity of shows such as Netflix’s Narcos and AMC’s Breaking Bad, it’s no wonder that people are more aware than ever of the dangers of drugs. Addicts need to constantly chase their next high, which is what makes substance abuse so dangerous. If you or someone you love struggles with an addiction to alcohol, drugs, gambling, or any other type of behavior that alters your brain chemistry, then this article will help you understand why and how you can overcome it. Trust the leading Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre in Pune – Trucare Trust is here to help you recover from drug and alcohol addiction.
What is addiction?
Addiction is a disease that creates a compulsive need for a substance or behavior. When an addict is not using, they feel a sense of anxiety and restlessness, irritability, and restlessness. They may even feel depressed or guilty. When an addict resumes their substance of choice, they feel relief and calmness. The substance or behavior then “resolves” the underlying issues that created the addiction in the first place.
How does addiction happen?
Scientists are still searching for the “why” of addiction. For many years, they believed that addiction was a moral failing on the part of the individual; they believed the “sinner” was “born again” into “a state of wrongdoing.” However, more recent studies have suggested that genetic factors may play a role in the development of addiction. Researchers also believe that environmental factors may contribute to the development of addiction. Many of these environmental factors are based on social norms and behaviors that are common among people who abuse drugs or alcohol.
Why does addiction happen?
The brain changes that occur when someone becomes addicted are quite complicated. One theory is that the reward system in the brain changes to respond to the artificial stimulation that is present in drugs or alcohol. This temporary overstimulation causes the brain to release dopamine, a “feel-good” chemical. It’s important to note that the same brain regions that release dopamine when a person experiences love, food, or exercise also release dopamine when someone takes illicit drugs or alcohol.
The three main types of addictions
There are many different types of addictions, but scientists use three main categories to understand them: substance addictions, behaviors addictions, and mental health addictions. Substance addictions include alcohol, opioids, and marijuana. Everyone has a natural desire for these substances; people who develop an addiction are unable to control their cravings. Many behaviors have become addictions, including gambling, sex, food, and internet usage. These behaviors often become addictions because they feel pleasurable and relieve stress. Sometimes, people can become addicted to the behaviors and mood-altering chemicals of mental health disorders such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Signs of a substance abuse problem in adolescents
Many parents worry that they will miss the signs of a substance abuse problem in their children because adolescents can be quite secretive about their behavior. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, it’s important to talk to someone about it. This can be a friend, a family member, or a doctor; the important thing is that you open up about what’s going on in your life. That way, you can get the support you need to begin to heal. If you are worried that your son or daughter “shares” their drinks with other people, or that they “share” their drugs with others, you may want to speak to them about their behavior. Most people who use drugs don’t share their substances, and most people who use drugs don’t want to harm their family.
Ways to support a loved one with an addiction
- Don’t pressure someone to stop using, or imagine that you can “fix” your loved one. This can backfire and make your loved one feel guilty or ashamed. - Create a safe space where your loved one can speak openly and honestly. This could be in the form of a journal or a therapist’s office. - Be patient. It may take your loved one longer than they expect to recover from addiction. - Help your loved one find ways to relieve stress, whether it’s exercise, meditation, or even a hobby. This can help them stay on the path to recovery. - Seek assistance if you or your loved one is experiencing signs of an addiction. This could include counselling or therapy.
Wrapping up
Addiction is a serious problem. It changes your brain chemistry, leaving you open to experience cravings and withdrawal symptoms if you stop using. It’s vital to seek help as soon as possible. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction, remember that there are resources and support services available to help. With patience, understanding, and love, you can overcome an addiction and truly live a fulfilling life.