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will elsa be in season 2 of 1883


Are you new to trade shows. Join the club. Every year millions of newbies take the trade show marketing plunge. Here are will elsa be in season 2 of 1883 quick tips, both humorous and serious, to quickly move you into the deep end of the pool. Hold your breath GO!


10 Trade Show Tips:


Be nice to the labor. They can solve most problems or create migraine-inducing headaches. The Golden Rule applies until they make you mad. When they do, contact your labor provider or show management. Also remember that the labor guy or gal in your booth didn't write the hall rules. If you disagree with the rules, contact your labor provider or show management.

A trade show is neither a vacation nor a death sentence. Although it may feel like a death sentence during teardown.

Breath mints are more valuable than gold or platinum at a trade show.

Comfortable shoes are more valuable than breath mints, unless you are wearing comfortable shoes and chatting with someone who clearly needs a 3 lb. breath mint.

Rule of Three -- This is a sad but true fact regarding labor at most trade shows. If three people are assigned to your booth, one person will be a star, one person will be average, one person will be a dufus. Hire nine people and you're guaranteed to have three stars and three dufasses. Sometimes you get lucky, and the ratio works in your favor. Sometimes not (I could name show halls where this is more likely to happen, but I'd have to start checking under my hood every time I start my car).

No two shows are the same. Think of each show as a first date. Look your best and do your homework about the show, the attendees, and your competitors.

Every exhibitor has a "Joe." He drinks too much, gambles too much, and wanders too much. He's like the explorer Ferdinand Magellan, constantly circumnavigating the show hall. About a half a dozen times a day, you'll wonder what happened to Joe. Five minutes ago he was sucking down his third espresso, leaning on the counter, and ogling anything with two X chromosomes. Suddenly he's gone . . . again.

Be ruthless about evaluating your show graphics. Everything else is secondary. Replace them BEFORE they need to be replaced.

I Bet You 50 Bucks You'll Forget One of the Following: wire management for the exhibit, cleaning supplies, business cards, belt (happens to me at least twice year . . . two belts in Las Vegas = one mortgage payment), lip balm (again, crazy, ridiculously expensive in Vegas), phone charger, your moral compass.

FINALLY, work with professionals, whether it's a graphic designer, an exhibit consultant, or a certified trade show manager. Trade show exhibit marketing is a craft learned the hard way through trial and error. It's easy to burn through a lot of money before you finally figure out what works and what doesn't work. Don't stumble through a year or two of mistakes when you can rely on experts who can save you time, money, and embarrassment.