How much does it cost to run a fan all night?
Feeling hot and sticky and all together… gross at the moment? You're not alone.

The temperature rose considerably in July, reaching record-breaking levels – and the hot weather is set to return this month, with the mercury hitting the mid-30s again in August.

That can only mean one thing: it’s almost time for us air conditioning-shy Brits to whack out our fans.

Tall, small, standing, tower, handheld, it doesn’t matter what type it is. As long as it wafts a bit of cool air in your direction.

But given the rise in energy prices and the cost of living crisis, how much will your bog-standard fan cost you to run? Especially if you like to treat yourself and keep it on all night long.

Here’s an idea of how much it could be setting you back.

How much does it cost to run a fan all night?

Following the April 2022 price cap rise, Ofgem says a standard customer on a default tariff who pays by direct debit now pays an average of 28p for every 1 kWh (kilowatt hour, aka energy) used.

Therefore to figure out the cost of using your fan, you need to know the kWh it consumes.

For eight hours of continuous overnight use, Eco Cost Savings has worked out that your average table or standing fan consumes a total of 0.34kWh.

That comes to a spend of around 76p per night, a figure we’ve gathered using the Sust-It electricity cost calculator.

If you were to keep it on for eight hours per night for an entire year (365 days), you’d be spending roughly £277.40 on your efforts to blast yourself with a cool bedtime breeze.

What if you prefer a sleek tower fan, tucked away in the corner? Eco Cost Savings estimates an average tower uses 0.452kWh of electricity if left on for eight hours of continuous use.

That would cost you £1.01 for just one night – or an eye-popping £368.65 if used every night for a year.

While this figure won’t apply to nor be exact for everyone, hopefully it will give you an idea of your spend.

If you’re keen to know many kWh your fan uses, look at the label on the product, the instructions or visit the brand’s website for product details. It may vary depending on the make, type of fan and size.

And, if you’re a fan fanatic and looking to save on your energy bills, hopefully this information will come in handy.