Vitamins how they work and their sources
Vitamins are a crucial part of our diet. In this blog post, we will be discussing What are vitamins? What are the two Classifications of vitamins? There are two main classifications of vitamins, Fat-soluble vitamins: & Water-soluble vitamins.

Vitamins how they work and their sources

Vitamins are a crucial part of our diet. In this blog post, we will be discussing What are vitamins? What are the two Classifications of vitamins? There are two main classifications of vitamins, Fat-soluble vitamins: & Water-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins: Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) and the B-complex group (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, biotin and folic acid).


Fat-soluble vitamins: Vitamins A, D, E and K. Each of these classes is responsible for different functions within our body. The fat soluble ones are important as building blocks of proteins around which cells are formed; some protect body tissues from damage due to oxidation; others serve as cofactors or helpers in biochemical processes that produce energy or form structural features like cell membranes.

These 13 essential vitamins your body needs are, Vitamin A,

We've all heard of vitamin A. It's important for keeping your eyes, skin and immune system healthy, but did you know it can also be beneficial to hair growth? Other vimanis include, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B7, Vitamin B9, Vitamin B12, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E & Vitamin K.

Read more on those vitamins by clicking on the links you are interested in.

There are other classifications of vitamins, but not all are essential for humans to consume.

Role of Vitamins in your body:

Vitamins play a vital role in our body's daily functions. They help in digestion, provide energy, fight infections and keep you away from illness. If we do not get enough vitamins we may fall ill or feel sluggish.

If you know what vitamins are, the next step would be to find out the functions of each vitamin. Read up on Vitamin A Function, Vitamin B1 Function, Vitamin B2 Function, Vitamin B3 Function, Vitamin B5 Function, Vitamin B6 Function, Vitamin B7 Function, Vitamin B9 Function, Vitamin B12 Function, Vitamin C Function, Vitamin D Function, Vitamin E Function & Vitamin K Function by clicking the links.

The next step in your vitamin tourney would be to know what vitamin deficiency you have. Here you can ready up on, Vitamin A Deficiency, Vitamin B1 Deficiency, Vitamin B2 Deficiency, Vitamin B3 Deficiency, Vitamin B5 Deficiency, Vitamin B6 Deficiency, Vitamin B7 Deficiency, Vitamin B9 Deficiency, Vitamin B12 Deficiency, Vitamin C Deficiency, Vitamin D Deficiency, Vitamin E Deficiency & Vitamin K Deficiency.

So you spend time to learn a bit about vitamins, you found out what vitamins you are deficient in, so how do you know where to get those vitamins naturally? Ultiblog made an easy to understanding list of where you can get natural good sources of vitamins. Here is the breakdown: Good sources of Vitamin A, Good sources of Vitamin B1, Good sources of Vitamin B2, Good sources of Vitamin B3, Good sources of Vitamin B5, Good sources of Vitamin B6, Good sources of Vitamin B7, Good sources of Vitamin B9, Good sources of Vitamin B12, Good sources of Vitamin C, Good sources of Vitamin D, Good sources of Vitamin E & Good sources of Vitamin K

Vitamins are essential for the health and development of cells. They aid in the regulation of metabolism, immunity, and a healthy lifestyle. Vitamins are organic chemicals produced by plants or animals.

Ultiblog takes exceptional pride in providing you with an accurate, easy-to-read explanation of Vitamin A – K and other health-related blogs.

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