What are the benefits of using Indian spices?
Indian cuisines and spices are the world's oldest and most sophisticated.

The taste of traditional Indian food is affected by various spices. The hot, tangy spiciness of chilli powder in a dry curry mixed with the sweet, aromatic flavour of cumin seeds in a rich sauce creates an endless variety of delicious dishes.

Indian spices have been used to heal the body and mind for thousands of years. Turmeric, for example, has many powerful health benefits. It can be used as a natural tonic for upset stomachs or to treat liver diseases such as cirrhosis. In this article, we will know about some of the best benefits of using Indian spices in our food. We will also know about some of the best coriander powder manufacturers in India and white onion powder manufacturers in India who have been leading the market by a storm. So, let's get started!

What are the benefits of using Indian spices?

Indian spices have been used for thousands of years in India and other countries in Asia. They have been used for cooking, medicinal purposes, and religious ceremonies. These spices are made from plants like cumin, ginger, turmeric, Cinnamon, and coriander. There are many benefits of using Indian spices in our diet.

One of the most crucial benefits is that Indian spices can help you to stay healthy. Ground fresh cardamom will give your curry and savoury dishes a boost of flavour while still letting other flavours come through. It's often used with tea and is a flavour that goes well with lighter dishes. Cardamom also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Your cells will be safe and free of damage if you eat enough cardamom in your diet.

Cinnamon contains antioxidants, like polyphenols, which can protect the body from free radical damage. These are just some reasons that Cinnamon may be good for you and your body! Studies have revealed that Cinnamon can help reduce bad cholesterol levels. This is still being researched, but it has been shown to reduce triglyceride levels. It has also been shown to maintain good cholesterol (HDL).

Coriander seeds, powder and oils may help to control blood sugar levels by increasing insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas. Coriander powder can be added to various dishes and snacks to make the dish tastier.

Are Indian spices medicinal? Cumin has a rich history in traditional medicine and is pretty nutritious! It's got anti-inflammatory & anti-microbial properties. Some studies have also shown that cumin can help with digestion and can help in weight loss. Some researchers suggest that cumin products can be beneficial for those with diabetes to help lower blood sugar levels.

Turmeric, the essential Indian spice used almost in every Indian curry, has had great medicinal properties since ancient times. Some studies show that turmeric and its key compound, curcumin, can help keep your brain stay strong. Turmeric can treat people with depression and anxiety. Turmeric relieves people from arthritis and other related health conditions. Some studies have shown that it can work as an anti-inflammatory agent, like in inflammation from stomach, skin, liver and gall bladder problems.

Final Thoughts

Some of the healthiest Indian spices in the world are ginger, turmeric, cumin, cardamom, chilli powder, garlic powder, parsley and peppermint. With VLC Spices in the market, you can now explore the endless possibilities of Indian spices and omit the boring spice rack with our huge catalogue of authentic spices, fresh herbs, and flavour extracts!

VLC Spices, one of India's leading cumin powder manufacturers, known for its wide variety of freshly ground herbs and spices. Its is also a renowned cinnamon powder manufacturer in Indiasupplying huge quantities of its products both within the country and abroad. Get in touch with VLC Spices if you want to taste some of their best spices on the market.