Chai Sutta Bar - the fastest growing start-up in India
Everyone loves to drink tea in India. This makes tea startups a very popular choice for young entrepreneurs.

Everyone loves to drink tea in India. This makes tea startups a very popular choice for young entrepreneurs. 


In 2016, two young self-made entrepreneurs had the vision to serve India's most popular beverage in kulhads. They wanted to serve the environment along with maintaining the highest level of hygiene. 


This was the beginning of the Chai Sutta Bar’s journey from Indore - the cleanest city in India. 


With its kulhad tea, Chai Sutta Bar supports "desh ki mitti" and has the goal of connecting everyone to the land of India. The company offers a variety of flavours and platters that are eco-friendly to absolute chai and food enthusiasts. 


With this in mind, Chai Sutta Bar begins its journey to becoming the fastest-growing startup in India. The young entrepreneurs have come a long way from one outlet in 2016. Over the years, CSB has expanded to more than 400 shops spread across more than 200 Indian cities.


In addition to offering top-notch cuisine and services, the company is known for its inclusivity. It hires young people with disabilities and gives potter families a regular source of money to create a more inclusive India. 


Every day, the enterprise supports more than 1500 potter households and uses more than 3 lakh kulhads. Additionally, it employs more than 500 people from a variety of social groups, with a focus on the weaker ones.


As per the co-founder of Chai Sutta Bar, Anubhav Dubey, ‘Chai Sutta Bar is not for the people of classes, it’s for the masses.’ Masses who love kadak chai in kulhads. 


Chai Sutta Bar provides the same taste of authentic chai but with high hygiene. The journey of Chai Sutta bar started with mere 3 Lakhs Rupees and now it turned into a 100 crore venture. 


They even passed the difficult time of the pandemic when people avoided eating out. They earned the trust of their customers by serving safe tea. 


Their vision to make people taste the soil of India through their chai is what made them the fastest-growing startup in India.