When you apply for a cash advance, there will be no credit checks, verifications of your income, or verification of your employment. Simply, there is no risk associated with our cash loans and the process is as seamless as can be. Baric Funding is here to help you and your family! If you are looking for pre settlement Funding, you have come to the right place. We advance you the money today and when your case settles, you pay us back. But remember if you don’t win your case or get a settlement, you don’t pay us back.
HOW BARIC FUNDING WORKS: Our “Lawsuit Loans” are quick and risk free. Simply, if you don’t win, you don’t pay.At Baric Funding, we treat our clients professionally and compassionately. We understand the burdens and strains that legal troubles can create, which is why our settlement advances can truly help.We strive for transparency at our independent funding agency in Boca Raton; there are no hidden fees and no surprises.Our pre-settlement financing is simple and effective and you will be surprised with how easy the process is.
Baric Funding offers Same day Funding, No credit checks and your own case manager.
Baric helps Accident victims with debilitating injuries that are often unable to return to work causing them to struggle to pay their bills. This can result in the client putting excessive pressure on the attorney to settle the case as fast as possible or accept the first offer that they receive. Baric’s goal is to provide you with Funding Now so that you can allow your attorney the time needed to maximize the settlement. We have provided loans as small as $500 to $100,000. We are compassionate in our lending practices.
Baric Funding is proud of its reputation in the industry and operates with the highest ethical standards. We are family owned and operated. This gives us the ability to expedite the funding process and fund our client quickly.
Baric Funding is your solution. Quick personal Injury Funding prior to Settlement. Barics process is as easy as 123. Phone or online application, case evaluation/Document review by our professional staff, underwriting approval and case funding within 24 hours.
Baric has helped thousands of plaintiffs get the money they deserve quickly and at a competitive rate. At Baric Funding, we treat every client like family and work very closely with them throughout the entire process.
Baric Funding helps personal injury victims across the nation with their funding needs. Personal Injuries can happen to anyone, and you may not be at fault! We know harm to your body can lead to you being out of work in order to heal. But to properly heal from an
If you just took a pre settlement advance you might be wondering if you can apply for another. Times are tough and money goes fast. Good thing you can apply for as many advances as you would like. In fact the majority of people end up applying for more than
If you just took a pre settlement advance you might be wondering if you can apply for another. Times are tough and money goes fast. Good thing you can apply for as many advances as you would like. In fact the majority of people end up applying for more than
Call us at (561) 391-4215 to speak
with a friendly funding specialist now.

© 2021 Baric Enterprises, Inc.
Office: (561) 391-4215
Fax: (561) 988-3001
6401 Congress Ave Suite 205, Boca Raton, FL 33487