How to become a successful trader?
Anything without an adequate plan is not pleasant for a longer run. The same logic applies with the stock market too. This is the reason why you must have a specific plan featuring your entry, exit and money management for every purchase you make. Referring back testing could save you from huge losses.
If you are someone who is looking trading as a profession, then reading this piece could be really worth for you. Just like Michael Porter Valiant Markets, the given below text mentions some amazing advice that might help you to plan real market strategies and be successful at trading.

Anything without an adequate plan is not pleasant for a longer run. The same logic applies with the stock market too. This is the reason why you must have a specific plan featuring your entry, exit and money management for every purchase you make. Referring back testing could save you from huge losses. Back testing is basically a trading practice, the basis of which is the historical data of the market. This trading practice could help you determine the viability before you actually risk your real money.