What is chemical earthing?
When we hear the word chemical earthing the first question comes to our mind is what it is so in this article you will understand in a simple way.
Whenever we use chemical powder in place of salt and coal it is called chemical earthing and BENTONITE powder is used for chemical earthing the benefit of BENTONITE powder is it can maintain moisture levels in a region of rocky terrain and dry areas it is because it can work as backfill material to absorb moisture and lower the resistance to the earth
Commonly, In ordinary earthing coal and salt is used and placed on the top of the electrode.
Types of Chemical Earthing used in Renown System
1. GI Earthing Electrode
2. Pure Copper Electrode
3. Copper Bonded Electrode
GI Earthing Electrode
The work of GI earthing electrodes is to protect people from lightning current shock by conducting fault current safely to the ground. In GI earthing electrodes the Galvanized iron is prepared by depositing a zinc film over iron through a complete process called Galvanization. Therefore, the GI earthing electrode is corrosion resistant.
● The process of galvanization over iron makes the electrode corrosion resistant.
● GI earthing electrodes are suitable for all types of soil.
● Moisturization is not necessary periodically.
● The dissipation of the current rate is high.
● GI earthing electrodes requires less maintenance.
● Less space is required in GI earthing.
● Fast installation and easy on site.
● Necessity of moisturization is very less.
● Low impedance while grounding.
High rise buildings protection.
Housing societies protection.
GI Earthing Electrode specifications-
Colour- Silver
Brand- Renown earth
Material- GI
Length of rod, shape and diameter is customizable
What is an earthing electrode?
Earthing electrode depontentialize the electric discharge during lightning
What is a GI earthing electrode?
Galvanised Iron (GI) is made from the alloy of iron (Fe) and zinc (Zn). When the alloyed material is used as an earthing electrode, it is known as Galvanised Iron Earthing Electrode.
Pure Copper Electrode
The term “pure copper electrode” is made up of pure copper that is derived from its ores. Due to very high conductivity the pure copper electrode is considered as one of the best electrodes in the market and that is the reason that it prefer over GI earthing electrode
● Copper is a less reactive reagent, therefore it is corrosion resistant.
● Fast current dissipation.
● Plenty of free electrons in its outermost orbital due to high electrical conductivity.
● Pure copper electrodes can easily gel with any kind of soil.
● It is maintenance free.
● Pure copper electrodes have a high electrical conductivity.
● It has a high life expectancy.
It is used in housing societies and high rise buildings.
Pure copper electrode specifications-
Shape, type and diameter- As per requirement
Colour- Brown
Brand- Renown Earth
Usage/ Application- Earthing
Type- Earthing Electrode
Process to clean copper electrodes?
Rinse the surface for minutes with distilled water.
Copper Bonded Electrode
With the help of electrolytic cell copper bonded electrodes are manufactured by the process called electroplating. In this process mild steel is coated with copper in an electrolytic cell. Copper bonded helps to pass fault current in the ground. Copper bonded electrodes protect the life of humans from electric shock and electrical damage to the equipment due to lightning. Copper bonded electrode presents excellent endurance against oxidation and it is based on global technology and it is an extremely exceptional product. It is more useful than simple GI electrodes. Copper bonded electrode uniformly coated thickness ensures stable performance, making it a cost effective option for users.
● It has a high life expectancy.
● 100 micron copper is coated on the electrode.
● High current dissipation.
● High electrical conductance.
Good for every kind of soil.
Long life duration.
No recurrent maintenance is required.
Less space is required for installation.