Why Buy a Litter Box When You Buy a Cat?
A litter box is the first and foremost thing among all important stuff. If you need detailed guidance on that you can check platforms like Mycatsshop, they have various cats for sale and verified instructions for their care.

Litter has many meanings in the dictionary. One of its actual meanings is a material that is specifically made to soak up the urine and feces of animals. These are those animals who are kept as a pet in the house. A litter box, hence, is a box that has litter in it and is in use for pets.

Though it can be used for dogs, rabbits, and other pets, this article is dedicated to cats. When you buy a cat to keep it as a pet, several things need to be considered before and after you seek a cat for sale.  Why Litter box is the most essential, let’s look into that.

Natural Instinct

If you observed the living activities of a cat in the wild, you can see they excrete or urinate not in wide open areas. From their ancestors, they have inherited this behavior. So if you will ever buy a cat, your kitten will first try to look for a place which it can freely own or claim to be its.

Therefore, a Litter box is a perfect replica of a secret place they look to answer a natural call. Cats have a habit of covering feces with sand and they prefer soft or sandy soil for easy burial. So litter box comes with litter which is filled up to 5cm or 2 inches or less.  Hence, buying a litter box when you buy a cat will add to the convenience for a kitten to adjust to the new environment.

What litter is made up of?

Litter is put into a litter box to fight the odor. It gives cats’ instinctive desire a satisfaction that the foul scent of their waste will remain hidden. So the litter is made up of material that seems granular to absorb moisture and odor and leaves a clean and comfortable space for cats to play, sleep and do other activities.

-               This material absorbs ammonia

-               Usually in most of the materials you will find baking soda

-               Sometimes owners themselves sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda at the bottom of the box i.e., under the cat litter

-               Material can also be used with a natural dirt

-               Most common materials used are the clay, recycled paper ‘pellets’, and variants of silica-based ‘crystal’


Therefore, considering how vital is to have a litter box when pet lovers buy a cat, pet keepers like Mycatsshop, if not them then other keep a section for litter for sale along with cat for sale.

Where to keep it?

If you don’t dispose of or clean the litter box, it starts giving an unwanted smell. That makes your kitten and you uncomfortable. To avoid this it is recommended from the vet associated with Mycatsshop when you buy a cat to keep this litter box in areas of the home where there is less movement or less chance of gathering or no gathering at all. These places could be the basement, laundry room, etc.

Getting more into details, there are types of litter boxes. Let’s get an overview on those so you can choose wisely when you buy a cat and a litter box for it.

Open litter box

It is simply a rectangular tray with the sides wall outwardly sloped, probably from 3.9 to 5.9 inches. It is known for good ventilation. Since it is wide open, the smell of odor tends to spread faster compared with other types of litter. Also, it is the least expensive one.

Top entry litter box

As the name suggests, it is open from the top. It is covered from all four sides with plastic walls and on the top, it is also covered with one hole. So when a cat plays with litter it doesn’t come out. And it also keeps children and other pets safe from the content of the litter. The cat climbs on it and enters the hole to excrete waste.

So if you are planning to buy a cat from a geriatric or physically weak feline, then this litter box is not recommendable.

 Front entry litter box

This litter box is open from the front only like a door it resembles. And it is covered from all the sides including the top. This is the most widely used and available at moderate prices. It may have a swinging door too which the owner can open to scoop off or in litter and close to avoid other things to enter it.

Self-cleaning litter boxes

With the advancement in technology, this design is well equipped to clean the litter automatically or some designs require less labor.

It has an electronic method to comb the clumps out of the litter box and transfer them into a plastic or disposable bag. How it decides when to act – it uses a pressure pad or infrared rays to check the absence of a cat and will scoop the clumps after a pre-determined amount of time has gone so it won’t disturb the cat.


A litter box is the first and foremost thing among all important stuff. If you need detailed guidance on that you can check platforms like Mycatsshop, they have various cats for sale and verified instructions for their care.