In general, saddles are a supportive structure which provides support to the riders as well as the horses too. Saddles are an important part of equestrian products. English saddles are mainly used for equestrian sports and horse races. The main reason behind the use of English saddle for horse racing is that they are specifically developed to allow the horses the freedom of movement whether they are jumping, running, or moving quickly across the rugged. completely understands your needs with respect to horse riding. We are here to help you to achieve the comfort and protection, well-being and back health of you and your horse. We provide customized saddles and accessories which will give your horse a better fitting.
The structure of the English saddle is based on the solid tree which is covered with leather and padding material. Basically, the tree of English saddle is made up of laminated layers of high-quality wood, reinforced with steel beneath the front curve, and around the rear bottom of the tree from quarter to quarter.