Car Parking Finder App Development – Know the Cost and Features
With the online parking spot finder app, you can find the parking areas without any hassles. Check car parking mobile applications development cost, advanced features, and technology stack.

We are almost on our toes when it comes to meeting business or work targets. Also, we travel every day to carry out personal tasks like shopping, visiting doctors, and traveling to different destinations. Well, wherever you travel, parking issues are always a concern. But we cannot avoid traveling, isn’t it? When it comes to finding parking spaces, we spend a lot of time finding one. With the increase in the number of cars on the road, the parking spaces are almost occupied and you have to keep waiting until someone vacates the parking space. It results in a mess when several vehicles wait to find the parking space resulting in heavy traffic. This results in heavy traffic jams. In such cases, car parking application development solutions can be the ideal choice.

How Does The On-Demand Parking App Work?

The car parking mobile apps help users to find nearby parking spaces and they can also book the parking spaces. It makes the car parking process easier. Apart from finding the parking areas the on-demand parking appalso helps you get a driver to park your vehicle if the parking spot is situated at a distance. The driver parks your vehicle in the parking space chosen by you. After you finish your work the driver will get the car back from the parking lot for you. This seems so convenient, isn’t it?

When car parking has been made easier with such apps, a lot of start-ups and businesses are investing in car parking application development. Now, this blog will help you know about different aspects of parking app development like basic features, technology stack, and cost required to build a high-quality parking finder application.

How to build a scalable Parking App?

If you are planning to invest in parking mobile app development to get a scalable app, the process needs you to consider different vital aspects like features and technology stacks used to make it a successful app. There are different apps combined to make your parking app successful and they are

1. User Panel

While creating a user panel app, the car parking finder mobile application developmentcrew should consider user engagement and experience on priority. They should keep the features simple to create an user-friendly app. Here are some functionalities that need to be integrated into the user panel

  • Register

  • Integrate GPS to track the vehicle’s location

  • Find Pickup Location

  • Manage Parking History

  • Feed Estimated Arrival & Departure Time

  • Make Payments

  • Schedule Booking

  • Provide Ratings & Reviews

2. Admin Panel

While creating an efficient admin panel app, the parking finder app development service provider you hirewill work on different elements that contribute to responses and controls for the app. So the features include

  • Reports

  • User and Driver Management

  • Add New Locations

  • Manage Earnings

  • Add/ Reject Drivers

  • Booking Manager

  • Offer Management

  • Reservation Management

3. Driver Panel

After creating the admin and user panel, yet another panel that plays a vital role in car parking finder mobile application development is the driver panel. The driver would be managing most of the things on the app and the features that would help him do so would be

  • Register

  • Contact Customers using the App

  • Add Personal information & ID Proof

  • Accept or Reject Booking Requests from users

  • View Ratings & Review

  • Collect Payment from Customers

Advanced Features To Be Integrated In Car Parking Application Development

Apart from the basic features, your car parking finder app needs some advanced features to be integrated during app development. Let us have a look at some vital features that would enhance your app performance, stay in the competition and generate revenue for your business

  • Vehicle Tracking

  • Rate Card

  • Map Searching

  • Multiple Cities and Locations

  • GPS

  • Heat Map View

  • Nearby Place Suggestions

  • Push Notifications

  • Establish Operational Zone

  • Multilingual

  • In-app communication

  • Payment

  • Offers & Discounts

The above features can let you create a strong online presence. Now, let us move on to know the technology stack required to build your car parking application

Tech Stack Required

  • Debian - Operating System

  • Cloud Environment- AWS

  • Payments- Braintree & PayPal

  • SMS, Phone verification, and Voice- Nexmo

  • Powerful Programming- GWT

  • Mails - Mandrill

  • Data Management- Datastax

  • Realtime Analytics- Apache, Spark, Flink

  • Push Notifications- Bandwidth, Twilio

  • Database- MongoDB, Cassandra, MailChimp Integration

Development Team

With the professional development team, you can get a robust parking finder app. The team should have an experts like

  • Project Manager

  • Developers

  • Designers

  • Tester

Cost of Development for Car parking application

The parking app development cost to build an on-demand parking app is based on functions, features, developers, and software used along with many other components. The main factors that determine the cost of parking finder application development are:

  1. Design

  2. Development

  3. Location of developers

  4. Features Included In The App

Monetizing Strategy For Your On-Demand Parking App

1. Commissions

You can charge commissions to generate revenue. For this, you need to charge the user a certain fee for booking or requesting a parking space each time through your app. While a large share will be going to the parking firms, some portion of it will also come to your app.

2. Advertisements

It is amongst the effective revenue generation ways. Yes, it is through in-app advertisements. This way you can fetch good money via your car parking application. You can rent space for service centers, brands on your app to make money through your app.

3. Subscription

You can charge for annual/monthly subscriptions from the users wherein they pay some amount to subscribe. With this strategy, the users can also enjoy the benefits of memberships and avoid regular issues related to parking space.

4.Loyalty programs

With loyalty programs, you can give away some loyalty points to the users. It will help you earn money as well as retain users.

Wrap up!

Undoubtedly, the parking finder app has helped people in metro cities find parking spaces without any hassles. If you wish to start with a business idea that helps the customers find the parking areas and save time, then consider having an app solution to help people while monetizing through app ideas.

If you want to collaborate with a reliable on-demand mobile app development company to build an app that helps run workable business ventures, connect with X-Byte Enterprise Solutions.Our expert app developers would help you get market-ready app solutions to let you monetize your app effectively.


| Read Original Blog Here:  Car parking application development company


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