Can Crime Fiction Books be Helpful For Teens?
Crime fiction can be a great way to teach our youth about topics such as prejudice, racism, bullying, drug addiction, mental illness, or any other social issues that might be relevant in their lives.

Let’s be honest. In a world filled with violence and abuse, would we really want to expose our children to the ravages of society? As a teen, with their ages as young as 13, are our youth being recruited before they are aware? Yet, that’s where our children live. Their journey is one of parsing out their influences and separating themselves from the baser part of society. Do these teens have the instinct, tools or information available to choose their paths - and accept the consequences of those choices.  

This is often where Crime fiction books can help. Stories relegated to the written page are drawn from personal experiences, open sources, and the world at large. These stories can open the mind of the young reader - teaching them to be aware and  observant. Situational books help showcase consequences of actions and teach them how to deal with difficult solutions. A  well written story can open the mind of its readers to see deeper into the character of those they put their trust. Connections can be formed, eyes can be opened, and increased empathy can change hearts and minds.

Crime fiction books are a great way to introduce our teens to the world of reading. These compelling stories will engage the reader and excite their imagination. Encouraging a child to read will open their minds to reach new heights. Parents can be a part of their child’s reading experience by knowing and discussing storyline characters.

Crime fiction can be a great way to teach our youth about topics such as prejudice, racism, bullying, drug addiction, mental illness, or any other social issues that might be relevant in their lives.

Reading crime fiction books like "Life Raft - Crossing" can open up lines of communication about influences around our youth in society. "Life Raft - Crossing”,  will be discussed here in this blog. Here is a recommendation from the author. 

  1. Crime Fiction Book can improve your people skills: Reading a crime fiction book, whether "old star wars" or "Life Raft - Crossing," can improve your social acumen. The protagonist, in these stories, have a continuous interaction with the reader. This kind of writing brings the reader into the drama. 
  1. Improves the imaginative skills: While reading a crime fiction book, you are invited into a different world. As you step across that threshold, your imagination lets you feel the struggles and celebrate the wins. Each scene is visually described to let your imagination take the lead; teaching your mind to open itself to creative possibilities. Thus enhancing the artistic careers of becoming a musician, writer or journalist. “Life Raft - Crossing” is filled with visual motion to stimulate your imaginative senses.
  1. Cheaper as compared to a movie: Movie prices have really put a strain on many budgets. Books on the other hand, can be purchased and read as a group or shared among members. “Life Raft - Crossing”, is an engaging read - set up to bring the reader on a Yacht trip across the ocean.
  1. Improves the narrative skills: As fiction stories are always in the form of narratives, this improves the storytelling ability even at times, it can bring out the oratory skills hidden in the personality.

Novel’s are not just for entertainment. They can also be a source of knowledge that can help in the development of our youth. There are also many benefits to reading with and to your children, such as bonding and an enriched vocabulary.

Many crime fiction books have strong language. The author, Paula Ashcraft, of “Life Raft -Crossing” refused to fill her novel with such drivel. This book has a clean seal on language. Violence, on the other hand, is in “Life Raft - Crossing”. These scenes were part of the story line and wouldn’t qualify for a crime fiction novel without them. But, she tried to write them tastefully. You should be aware of these instances to prepare and discuss with your children


Crime fiction books can be helpful in raising your children. Issues that would normally be helpful to discuss with your teen can be glassed over in our ever busy society. Reading with or to your child will help them in their studies, in reading comprehension, and in questioning life choices or decisions. As parents we should teach our children about life’s consequences.  They also help children understand the world around them and develop empathy for those less fortunate than themselves.