Skin Tags and Your Dog
Have you ever felt a lump or bump on your dog? It can be a scary moment, but it’s important that you don’t jump to conclusions. Many times, that growth is nothing more than a skin tag. Learn more here from a veterinary clinic Scottsdale, AZ.
What’s a skin tag?
A skin tag is a small bit of flesh protruding from your dog’s skin. Some are bumps, while some hang from a small “stalk” of skin. Skin tags might grow or change in size over time, or they may stay the same. It’s not known exactly why these growths occur, although friction is believed to play a role—skin tags often occur in areas where skin rubs against skin.
When do skin tags become a problem?
Most skin tags don’t require veterinary intervention. It’s only when they cause discomfort, or when your dog chews or bites at it, that your vet might need to remove the skin tag.
How are skin tags removed?
Localized anesthesia is given, and then the skin tag is snipped off or removed with extreme cold (cryosurgery). In most cases, it’s very simple!
Learn more about skin tags on dogs by calling your animal hospital Scottsdale, AZ today.