Deal with best quality bottle burst tester manufacturer and supplier
Presto’s Bottle burst tester is a very useful testing instrument used for testing cans and packs, CSD line bottles mainly where pressurized lines of carbonated liquid are filled.

Bottle burst tester

Are you still looking for a best quality Bottle Burst Tester and you cannot find anywhere such an instrument which is upgraded with the latest model and extra functions? Presto Bottle burst tester is based on the latest technique and extra features which are easy to use and handle. This is a great tool used in pet preforms and other industries for testing, which does its job well. We know presto for its unique design and best quality Bottle burst tester manufacturers in India.

Presto’s Bottle burst tester is a very useful testing instrument used for testing cans and packs, CSD line bottles mainly where pressurized lines of carbonated liquid are filled. The specimen is placed firmly at the opening and pressure in the form of air is exerted at a controlled pressure.

The Bottle burst tester is equipped with hydraulic controls for exerting air pressure. The machine is also incorporated with auto pressure hold facility for maintaining pressure for a particular period of time at a particular pressure.


Give us a call at +91 9210903903 or email us at to know about the Bottle Burst Tester Price, learn features and technical specifications.