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joined at 2 years ago

    Efficiency and Personalization Are the Future of Digita...

    Over the past decade, the healthcare industry has seen tremendous developme...

    • NextGen Invent

    Unfolding Health Tech Revolution: The Next Big Thing in...

    In the last few decades, the advent of technology in healthcare has touched...

    • NextGen Invent

    What AI and its adoption means to business?

    AI and its adoption is transforming thousands of businesses, Understand The...

    • NextGen Invent

    H2O – An Opensource Artificial Intelligence

    H2O is an opensource artificial intelligence (AI) platform. Trusted by data...

    • NextGen Invent

    Automatic Labelling to the rescue

    With more data being needed, it's imperative to label the data in a ha...

    • NextGen Invent

    Will Artificial Intelligence replace physicians?

    This may sound like complete science fiction, the question remains, "W...

    • NextGen Invent

    5 Ways Digital Transformation benefits businesses

    Digital Transformation is no longer a mere buzzword, it is essential for ev...

    • NextGen Invent

    Healthcare Data Analytics and why it matters?

    Healthcare Data Analytics is a game-changer as healthcare providers, resear...

    • NextGen Invent

    Rise of Digital Healthcare/Telemedicine during Covid

    Before Covid-19, digital healthcare or telemedicine was a new form of healt...

    • NextGen Invent

    Decision Making Framework for AI based Product business...

    NextGen Invent has built a decision-making framework (business framework fo...

    • NextGen Invent