How you can optimize your fertility
Infertility alone is a significant health issue among couples, and due to major changes in lifestyle and the healthcare sector, it has become a chronic illness in India. Because infertility affects both physical and mental health, it also raises the financial burden and creates the condition of vulnerability for the rest of their lives.

Infertility alone is a significant health issue among couples, and due to major changes in lifestyle and the healthcare sector, it has become a chronic illness in India. Because infertility affects both physical and mental health, it also raises the financial burden and creates the condition of vulnerability for the rest of their lives.

In conclusion, India's fertility treatment demand is growing by the day. If you are in the same situation, you should also be aware that you can optimize your fertility when planning for a baby with the help of effective treatments such as IUI.

Hence, this article will cover all the essential details regarding IUI treatment, process, and cost.

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) 

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI treatment ) is one of the forms of ART. In this, washed and concentrated sperm are directly injected into the woman's uterus so that sperm can significantly combine with eggs to complete the fertilization process without having difficulty conceiving.

Why is IUI needed in the first place?

IUI treatment might be needed when you suffer from any of these problems-

  • Erectile dysfunction- occurs when a man can't get or keep an erection firm enough for a more extended period of sexual intercourse.

  • Abnormal Semen- These are those sperms that have head or tail defects. And these defects might lead to infertility in men.

  • Ovulatory dysfunction: When a woman does not ovulate at all or has trouble producing a matured egg each month, then she might need an IUI treatment 

  • Semen Allergy: A sperm or semen allergy to proteins found in semen leads to infertility in men.

  • Unexplained infertility-If infertility has not found a cause or fails to explain the specific reason. Then it arises the need for getting an IUI treatment. 

  • Endometriosis occurs when a replica tissue of the uterine lining grows into other reproductive parts, causing the pregnancy procedure to be obstructed.

  • HIV patients- IUI can also be adopted in the case of HIV patients, as in IUI, the sperm is extracted to be inserted into the woman’s uterus.

  • Same-sex couples: IUI is helpful for same-sex couples because it gives equal chances to every couple so that they can also plan for a healthy baby.

Intrauterine Process Is: 

The IUI process includes step by steps:


For females

1. The female partner will visit the hospital 

2. Ovulation induction will be done so that the woman can produce more mature eggs.

3. A doctor will perform an ultrasound to examine whether the woman is ovulating.

4. The doctor will trigger an HSG hormone shot for ovulation based on the examination.

5. A pregnancy test will be performed 36-38 hours after IUI treatment.


For Males

According to the advice, a male partner should refrain from sexual activities for a week before giving a sperm sample.

Semen samples will be collected from the semen to complete the process.

The sperm will be thoroughly washed to remove any excess liquid.

The IUI process will be carried out, and sperm will be inserted into the woman’s

The advantages of IUI are: 

Less Invasive: The process will be done without anesthesia when a thin tube-like catheter is inserted into the vagina through the cervix to insert sperm.

Less Complicated: This process has no significant complications, as it occurs due to poor quality of sperm or ovulation disorders.

Inexpensive: IUI treatment is less expensive in comparison to other processes.

Easy and apprehensible: The IUI process is not complicated, taking less than a minute without causing too much trouble.

Minimal Risks associated with the IUI process are: 

Minor bleeding: Sometimes, inserting a small catheter into the vagina can lead to minor vaginal bleeding. 

Infection: A thin tube-like catheter is inserted into the vagina, which sometimes causes a disease.

Multiple pregnancies: Due to ovulation induction methods, the risk of considerable pregnancies increases, resulting in early labor pain and low birth weight.

IUI Treatment Cost in India:  

The average cost of IUI treatment is around INR 15,000, which is quite affordable compared to getting treatment in any other country.

How to connect with a fertility expert?

Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART) and its form of Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) work to remove the facade of illness or infertility in your life. And to plan for a baby while facing several complications naturally, it is quite evident to meet a fertility specialist to learn the possible methods to overcome your barriers. Hence, to connect with the best IUI center in Pune, you must visit the Crysta IVF page and book your appointment right now!