The sacred meaning of the triangle
The triangle is the simplest closed rectilinear figure, one of the first, the properties of which a person learned in ancient times, since this figure has always had wide application in practical life.

The sacred meaning of the triangle

What did the triangle mean in ancient times?

The triangle is an ancient symbol. In culture, it is popular, especially they love to use it as a symbol of mystery or world domination. But apart from the known meanings, the triangle has other meanings. What are they?

Ancient people with a triangle denoted clouds, earth, mountains. It was a common symbol, they used it as best they could, because it is quite simple to perform: you just need to connect three sticks together.

With the development of culture, the triangle becomes a more complex symbolic figure. The ancient Jews used a triangle as a symbol of God, only there was a zigzag inside. The zigzag rather denoted water. The triangle is the god of heaven, and there is a lot of water in the sky.

The sacred meaning of the triangle

The sacred meaning of the triangle: from the ancients to the Freemasons

Among the Caucasian peoples of the Bronze Age, mountains were designated by a triangle. Moreover, these mountains were shaded with lines, zigzags, dots. This symbolized fertility. There were also crosses on the triangles, the cross is a solar symbol meaning deity. it is an ancient symbol of the god or sun.

The sacred meaning of the triangle: from the ancients to the Freemasons

As you can see, the triangle gradually began to associate with land and fertility. In ancient times, the personification of fertility was a woman, therefore, the triangle with an angle downward was attributed to the female nature.

The same was true for pregnancy. Triangles with an angle at the top have long become a sign of the female sex. These signs can be seen on toilet doors in public places.

The female body is a symbol of preservation, protection. From here, the triangle becomes the symbol of the house. In the ancient cultures of Dagestan, the triangle was marked on houses. In addition, the triangular shape is one of the most common forms of dwelling: pyramids, wigwams, dugout roofs.

In Christian culture, the triangle has acquired completely different meanings. He still symbolizes the deity, but the function of this deity is different - omniscience. In the Middle Ages, the triangle was a symbol of the Trinity. Later - with an all-seeing eye.

Freemasons borrowed this symbol from Christians, from them it means "enlightenment", because Freemasonry appears precisely in the Age of Enlightenment. Freemasons believed that it was necessary to educate people in moral relations with each other, to sacredly honor the commandments of their religions and believe in God.

They regard God as a great architect, therefore, in addition to the famous all-seeing eye, Masons use the compass sign.

Pythagoras' theorem: history of discovery

Some ancient Greek sources describe the joy of Pythagoras when he managed to prove the theorem. In honor of such an event, he ordered to sacrifice to the gods in the form of hundreds of bulls and made a feast. Some scholars, however, point to the impossibility of such an act due to the peculiarities of the views of the Pythagoreans.

It is believed that in the treatise "Beginnings", created by Euclid, the author provides a proof of the theorem, the author of which was the great Greek mathematician. However, not everyone supported this point of view. For example, the ancient Neoplatonist philosopher Proclus pointed out that the author of the proof given in the Elements is Euclid himself.

Be that as it may, but Pythagoras was not the first to formulate the theorem.


During its existence, the theorem has become one of the fundamental in geometry. The history of the proof of the Pythagorean theorem probably began with the consideration of an equilateral right triangle. Squares are built on its hypotenuse and legs. The one that "grew" on the hypotenuse will consist of four triangles equal to the first. In this case, the squares on the legs consist of two such triangles. A simple graphical representation clearly shows the validity of the statement formulated in the form of the famous theorem. An example of applying the theorem:  ABCD-square with a side of 4cm. On the sides AB and CD are the segments AM and KC so that AM. 

There are many known proofs of this theorem. Euclid, Indian scientists, and Leonardo da Vinci also worked on them. Often the ancient sages cited drawings, examples of which are located above, and did not accompany them with any explanations, except for the note "Look!" The simplicity of the geometric proof, provided some knowledge was available, did not require comments.

The history of the Pythagorean theorem, summarized in the article, debunks the myth of its origin. However, it is difficult even to imagine that the name of the great Greek mathematician and philosopher would someday cease to be associated with her.