eBook sales are up, and how! And if you are writing a book presently, publish an eBook and watch how revenues come rolling in. Ten years ago, readers looked forward to buying a paperback version of their favorite author’s book from retail bookstores. However, these days, book reading and publishing have changed quite a bit – instead of hard copies, readers now enjoy the flexible and efficient digital formats that bring many advantages.
The number of eBook readers is expected to grow to 134 million users by 2027
eBooks are cheaper than printed books, eco-friendlier, instantly accessible, reduce storage space, can be carried anywhere without grabbing attention, and most importantly, improve the reading experience with smart features.
While it may not be happy news for traditional book publishers self-publishing or Indie authors to shoot up their sales. Throw in a good digital marketing strategy; you will likely see the numbers double.
eBook trade revenue in the USA alone is nearing USD 154 million by the end of 2022. And since there is no sign of slowing down, it is the right time to take advantage of this book publishing trend.
How to Write a Book and Publish it as an eBook
In the era of self-publishing, eBooks are the easiest to publish. Learn how to publish a book as an eBook on any self-publishing platform with the following steps.
Step 1: Write and Edit Your Book
While readers are excited about eBooks, they still like well-written books. Regardless of the format, whether you self-publish an eBook or not, your book must entice its reader.
Since eBook publishing is digital, many authors publish their writings without following the pre-publishing phases properly – editing, proofreading, and optimizing. book publishing online
Do not haste the writing phase. A bad book is the product of an impatient writer. Yours should be as polished and terrific as any book in bookstores. Just because it is a digital format doesn’t mean it should be anything less. book publishing