bigeloil ingredients
The liniment Absorbine horses in liquid. It is a liniment with a double effect of cold and heat. It also stimulates the action of the circulatory system gently.
It also relieves the different muscles, tendons, and joint discomforts. Prepares the horse's training by warming up the various muscle groups and relaxing them after the training session. On the other hand, liniment treats the most common fungal and bacterial conditions on the horse's skin and hooves.
This liniment to soothe muscles and joints was created in 1892. It continues to be one of the most effective blends of essential oils and natural herbs for horses today.
Bigeloil Gel Ingredients and Characteristics:
Polysorbate 80, Alcohol, Menthol, triethanolamine, Water, Carbomer, incense, glycerin, green 5, methyl salicylate, PEG-12 dimethicone, thymol, yellow 5
The main characteristic of the liniment is its ability to relieve discomfort in tendons, muscles, and joints.
It also prepares the different muscle groups, tendons, and joints by warming them up before exertion or training.
On the other hand, the liniment relaxes the same groups of muscles, joints, and tendons, accelerating recovery.
The liniment quickly soothes the horse's fatigued extremities.
It also cleans the injured skin of the horse with minor wounds or scratches.
Another determining factor of the liniment is the relief it produces in areas of discomfort or lesions associated with dermatological processes.
The liniment also acts on the horse's hoof. Thoroughly cleans the hoof, controlling the quarters or the different problems of the sole or the frog.
Composition: Menthol, Chloroxylenol, natural extracts of Calendula Officinalis, oil of Artemisia Absinthium, natural extracts of Echinacea purpurea, Thymol, and natural extracts of Artemisia Absinthium.
Finally, the liniment container is 475 milliliters.
How to use Muscles Liquid for Animals?
Apply the liniment directly to localized areas. We can also dilute the liquid with water for a complete body wash of the horse. It should be applied in the extremities and joints while massaging the areas with pain. Use Absorbine liniment once or twice a day.
In the case of muscular discomfort, the liniment can be applied directly to the affected area with a blanket, a cloth, and a bandage, depending on the case. This way, it can relieve discomfort and work on muscle stiffness.
If we use it as a wash, we dilute the 100 milliliters of liniment with 600 milliliters of water and 200 milliliters of vinegar. Then we mix and apply on the absorbine horse with a sponge as a massage. Refreshes the tired horse. It also removes sweat and dirt and thoroughly cleanses the skin.
On the other hand, liniment is used in the pre-heating. A massage with the liniment increases blood circulation to the muscles, enhancing physical performance.
It is also used in post-training, competition, or effort. In each massage with liniment, muscle stiffness and tension are eliminated, and muscle discomfort caused by intense exercise is calmed.
We recommend the application on all four extremities. Use rest clothes and bandages to optimize results.
For skin cleansing, kwikpets recommend using the liniment three times a week. Deep cleansing of the skin helps to relieve itching. It is especially indicated for horses with significant sweating or skin disorders, depending on the year's season. Also, in horses with discomfort at the base of the tail.