UPSC Eligibility Criteria
Check out all latest details about UPSC IAS eligibility criteria. we offer you the latest report about IAS Exam Eligibility criteria.

As per the most recent notification by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC), we offer you the latest report about UPSC IAS Eligibility criteria 2020. 

Each Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Examination applicant must first go through the qualifying criteria for the process. We have attempted to put all the news about Indian Administrative Services (IAS) Examinations in a well-organised fashion.  

The eligibility requirements fall under the following levels. It supports you to easily understand the details of Indian Administrative Services (IAS) Examination process.

We will review the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) Examination, Minimum Qualifications for the examination for the following points – 

Nationality of the Indian Administrative Services (IAS) aspirant

Every aspirant who wishes to attend the IAS  or the IPS examinations must be Indian. This means that in case of any other administrative services or Civil Services Examinations, the candidate must be either – 

Similarly, the USPC IAS eligibility criteria 2020 varies from one civil services examination to another. Thus, it is necessary to check eligibility before applying for the process. 

The minimum age requirement for IAS examination is 21 years. The maximum age limit is 32 years as on 1st August, 2020. 

The upper age limit is relaxable. This is for the below mentioned cases – 

The aspirant must hold a degree from a recognized university. As per the IAS examinations eligibility of the candidate must be – 

In all the above cases, an aspirant must give proof of certificate of such graduation. Such may be before appearing in the Mains examination. Likewise, the lack of such a certificate can impact your eligibility for the examination. 

Moreover, the aspirants can submit the certificate from the institutions as approved by the  Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) examination standards.

Also, a UPSC aspirant must have the following – 

If a candidate has the same qualifications as above, they can appear for the final version of the UPSC IAS examination. 

An IAS aspirant who has MBBS degree or similar medical degree can appear in the IAS examination. Thus, they do not require to pass the internship program to attend the examination. 

Likewise, the candidate must have cleared the degree from recognized university or board. However, such candidates must have the final degree in hand during the interview stage. 

In this section, we will talk about the number of attempts required to crack the IAS examination in India. 

1. The eligible candidate from General category can attempt the examination as per the following – 

From the above, whichever is earlier. 

Yet the upper age limit is an important aspect of the IAS examination and eligibility. 

2. Similarly, the eligible candidate from OBC or backward category can attempt the examination as per the following – 

From the above, whichever is earlier. 

3. Moreover, the eligible candidate from SC or ST category can attempt the examination as per the following – 

From the above, whichever is earlier. 

4. Also, the eligible candidates (suffering from physical disability) from General category can attempt the examination as per the following – 

From the above, whichever is earlier. This is one of the special eligibility relaxations provided by the UPSC for CSE Examinations. 

When you attempt for the UPSC IAS examination, the number of attempts for the same are recorded. However, merely filling forms and not appearing in the examination is not taken as an attempt. 

On the other hand, if you write one exam and miss the rest, it is taken as one unsuccessful attempt. Thus, one needs to be extremely careful about the process. 

In case of disqualification or cancellation, the attempt is counted. Thus, attempting one examination paper is an attempt. 

The UPSC IAS examination aspires to have the best talent in the nation. Therefore, the candidate must be fit – physically and mentally. 

Further, apart from the minimum age limit and eligibility criteria, other benefits are also available. The person may enjoy cumulative age benefits. 

For instance – A candidate is an ex-serviceman and from scheduled caste. Hence, the age limit for such candidates is calculated as cumulative value. 

In such a case, age is calculated as 5 + 7 years. (5 for benefits to ex-serviceman and 7 from being of scheduled caste)

Hence, in such a case, the candidate can attempt the exam till 42 years of age. 

Firstly, every candidate who wants to appear for the UPSC IAS examination must understand the minimum eligibility criteria. Hence, it is best to rely on the official website for the right results. This can go a long way in helping you for your UPSC IAS eligibility criteria 2020. 

A large part of the process depends on the minimum eligibility criteria for the UPSC IAS examination. As stated before, the right results can be possible through cumulative score. 

Lastly, when one clears both IAS mains and UPSC personality interview, they can seek entry to the profile. However, the board will verify the minimum eligibility for the purpose. This is possible by checking the original documents. 

Thus, in the end, all the documents are attached to gain the best results. This allows the people to verify their claims for the same. 

Likewise, the candidate can attempt the examination without the certificates. On the other hand, the final selection process is dependent on the verification process. For this the letter of approval is dependent on the eligibility for the purpose. 

Without this, no appointment can be made. 

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