UPSC Mock Test 2022
The cornerstone of any excellent UPSC test preparation is taking mock exams and analysing them.
As a UPSC candidate, your goal isn't simply to know the UPSC Prelims and Mains syllabus like the back of your hand; it's also to know how to apply what you've learned in the classroom to real-world situations by answering UPSC-style questions. Solving Mocks is a fantastic way to get started.
Attempting simulated tests, on the other hand, is similar to the army's mock drills. The goal is to simulate the UPSC exam experience in the comfort of your own study room, without the risk of losing your job.
Assuming that you got my point here, let us take a look at the several benefits of solving UPSC Mock test 2022.
Benefits of Solving UPSC Mock Tests
- Know you’re the exam structure by heart: The first benefit you'll notice after completing the UPSC mock exams and previous year's papers is that you'll be able to memorise the exam structure. As a result, you'll be better able to grasp things like which areas to attempt first and which to leave for later, based on your skills and shortcomings.
- Know your strong and weak points clearly: It will be easier for you to judge your performance segment by segment, subject by subject, and level of difficulty by level of difficulty. You'd also be able to easily separate your strong and weak areas based on the themes and parts.
- Know the difficulty level of each question: One significant advantage would be the ability to quickly decipher questions based on their difficulty levels and the themes they cover.
- Become Fast: The next advantage is self-evident. Taking more mock examinations will improve your understanding speed and your ability to solve more problems in less time.
- Become instinctive: Solving UPSC mock examinations and previous year papers can help you become more instinctive when it comes to marking the correct answers on objective-type questions.
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