UPSC Prelims Syllabus 2022
We will start with the syllabus for UPSC Prelims (General Studies & CSAT paper).

Starting with the UPSC Prelims syllabus, it should come as no surprise that the syllabus is quite extensive in and of itself.

The UPSC Prelims examination, on the other hand, is mostly used for screening purposes. As a result, if you pass the Prelims exam, you will be qualified to take the Mains exam.

In addition, if you make it to the interview phase, your Prelims scores will not be factored towards your final order of merit.

The UPSC prelims examination comprises 2 papers, namely the General studies paper and the CSAT paper or the Civil Services Aptitude Test.

General Studies (GS) Paper 1

This GS paper or paper 1 is designed to test your overall knowledge about your surroundings and the world, and also to test how observant you are as a person, by asking questions related to current affairs.

The UPSC prelims syllabus for the GS paper consists of topics from a wide range of subjects making it extremely difficult to pinpoint the kind of questions that might be asked in the upcoming paper.

 Civil Services Aptitude Test (CSAT) Paper 2

The CSAT or Paper 2 is conducted with the intention to test your reasoning, comprehension, and analytical abilities.

This is because, as a Civil Servant, it is critical that you have the ability to understand the world and its problems with extreme clarity and logic.

Questions from the subjects of Reasoning & Analysis and Reading Comprehension appear on the CSAT paper. It also periodically puts your decision-making abilities to the test by asking you questions about them.

Rest assured, the decision-making-based questions do not carry negative marking.

Also Check: UPSC Exam