Throughout Modern Warfare, Military Aircraft Technology Has Evolved And Advanced
Military Aircraft

A Military Aircraft is any fixed-wing or rotary-wing aircraft employed by any form of lawful or insurgent force. Military aircraft can be fighting or non-combat in nature:

Combat aircraft are designed to use their own aircraft munitions to kill opposing equipment or soldiers. Only military forces normally develop and procure combat aircraft.

Non-combat aircraft are not designed for warfare as a primary mission, but may carry self-defense armaments. These are primarily support vehicles that can be built by either military forces or civilian organisations.

Several militaries got interested in powered Military Aircraft soon after the Wright Flyer's initial flight. The Wright Military Flyer, a two-seat observation aircraft, was bought by the United States Army in 1909 for the Aeronautical Division of the United States Signal Corps. It served until 1911, when powered aircraft had become a standard element in many armies around the world. During the Italo-Turkish conflict, planes flew reconnaissance and tactical bombing missions, and the First Balkan War saw the first naval-air actions. During the Second Balkan War, photoreconnaissance and propaganda leaflet drops were used.

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