Numbness in the fingers can be a symptom of a neurological disorder. If you find the same, it is advised to immediately consult the top neurologist doctor in Jaipur. Based on the symptoms, our neurologists conduct a thorough examination of the patient and devise the right treatment approach to help the patient recover from the problem. Apex Hospital has a team of the best neurology doctors who are highly experienced and have treated patients with diverse neurological disorders.
Neurology Specialist Doctor in Jaipur
Numbness in the fingers can be a symptom of a neurologicaldisorder. If you find the same, it is advised to immediately consult the topneurologist doctor in Jaipur. Based on the symptoms, our neurologistsconduct a thorough examination of the patient and devise the right treatmentapproach to help the patient recover from the problem. Apex Hospital has a teamof the best neurology doctors who are highly experienced and have treated patientswith diverse neurological disorders.