Medical Device Labels Manufacturing Market, 2019-2030
A detailed review of the overall landscape of companies offering manufacturing services for medical device labels

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Key Inclusions

§ A detailed review ofthe overall landscape of companies offering manufacturing services for medicaldevice labels, along with information on location of headquarters, year ofestablishment, company size, details related to regulatory certification / accreditation,types of label printing technologies used (digital, flexographic, screen, foilstamping, embossing, thermal, offset and others), types of labels manufactured(glue-applied, pressure sensitive, shrink-sleeve, in mold, custom die-cut, cutand stack and others), additional label-related features (extended content,external conditions proof, traceability and tamper-evident),  type of material used (paper, plastic andfilm) and the manner in which the labels are folded (map fold, fan fold, minifold, booklets, folding cartons and roll fed).

§ An analysis of thevarious mergers and acquisitions that have taken place in this domain,highlighting the key value drivers of such deals inked between 2014 and 2019(till June).

§ A detailedacquisition target analysis, which takes into consideration the historicaltrend of activity of top acquirers, providing a means for industry stakeholdersto identify potential acquisition targets.

§ An industry-widebenchmark analysis, highlighting the key focus areas of small, mid-sized andlarge companies, comparing their existing capabilities within and beyond theirrespective (geography-based) peer groups.

§ A detailed businessportfolio analysis based on the 9-box attractiveness and competitiveness (AC)matrix framework, highlighting the current market attractiveness andcompetitive strength of different printing technologies used by labelmanufacturers.

§ An elaboratediscussion on the various guidelines established by major regulatory bodies,governing medical device labeling-related practices and product approval,across different countries.

§ Elaborate profiles ofkey players that claim to have a diverse range of capabilities for themanufacturing of different types of labels for medical devices; each profileincludes an overview of the company, its financial performance (whereveravailable), information on its label manufacturing capabilities and an informedfuture outlook.

§ A discussion onimportant industry-specific trends, key market drivers and challenges, under aSWOT framework, featuring a qualitative Harvey ball analysis that highlightsthe relative impact of each SWOT parameter on the overall medical device labelsmarket.

§ A review of thevarious upcoming opportunities and anticipated future trends related to medicaldevice label manufacturing that are expected to influence the evolution of thisindustry over the coming years.

§ Informed estimates ofthe existing market size and the future opportunity for medical devices labelsmarket, over the next decade.


The report also features the likelydistribution of the current and forecasted opportunity across important marketsegments, mentioned below:


§  Typeof labels

§  Glueapplied labels

§  Pressuresensitive labels

§  Inmould labels

§  Shrinksleeve labels

§  Otherlabels


§  Typeof material

§ Plastic labels

§ Paper labels

§ Other material labels


§ Application type

§ Monitoring and diagnostic equipment labels

§ Disposable consumables labels

§ Therapeutic equipment labels


§ Device class

§ Class I medical devices

§ Class II medical devices

§ Class III medical devices


§  Keygeographical regions

§  NorthAmerica

§  Europe

§  AsiaPacific


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Key Questions Answered

§ Who are the leading companies in the medical device labelscontract manufacturing market?

§ How is the current and future market opportunity likely tobe distributed across key market segments?

§  Whatare the opportunities offered by emerging markets for medical device labelsmanufacturing?

§ What are the key value drivers behind the merger and acquisitionactivity in the medical device labels manufacturing industry?

§ Who can be the future potential acquisition targets for thetop acquirers in this domain?

§ What are the regulations followed by medical device labelsmanufacturers across different continents?

§  Whatare the prevalent and emerging trends in medical device labels manufacturing?

§  Whatare the key challenges faced by medical device labels manufacturers?

§  Whatis the role of automation in medical device labels manufacturing?


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Gaurav Chaudhary

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