The defending champions Gujarat Titans will face Chennai Super Kings in the opening encounter of IPL 2023. The team led by Hardik Pandya has a set of experienced and young talented players and after a heroic season last year, it would be interesting to see how the team approaches this year. The owner of Gujarat Titans is CVC Capital Partners, a British private equity and investment advisory firm, that purchased the franchise for a whopping bid of INR 5625 crore in October 2021
IPL 2023: Gujarat Titans Owner, Team Strength, Weakness, X-factors, And Full Squad
The defending champions Gujarat Titans will face Chennai Super Kings in the opening encounter of IPL 2023. The team led by Hardik Pandya has a set of experienced and young talented players and after a heroic season last year, it would be interesting to see how the team approaches this year. The owner of Gujarat Titans is CVC Capital Partners, a British private equity and investment advisory firm, that purchased the franchise for a whopping bid of INR 5625 crore in October 2021