An intrathecal pump is a high-accuracy medical device that is implanted to treat chronic pain by administering a tiny amount of medication directly into the intrathecal region. The intrathecal space refers to the area surrounding the spinal cord. Intrathecal Pumps obstruct the brain's ability to process pain signals. The pumps, which are surgically placed under the skin of the belly, distribute the medications. Comparing intrathecal pumps to oral drugs, intrathecal pumps require significantly less medication.
For pain pumps, approximately 1/300 of the dosage required for oral drugs is required. A surgically implanted device called an intrathecal pump delivers potent drugs directly into or close to the spinal cord. Intrahecal Pumps provide potent medications in the intrathecal area, enabling the administration of pharmaceuticals in incredibly low quantities, and are largely employed in the treatment of chronic pain and spasticity.
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