How To Secure & Build Your Glassdoor’sOnline Reputation
In this blog, we will have a look into Online Reputation Management (ORM) as a concept, and the optimum use of Glassdoor as a platform for the same. Let’s begin with ORM.

What is ORM?

As you might be knowing, ORM stands for Online Reputation Management. 

ORM involves combining traditional marketing and establishing public relations using Search Engine Marketing. As the name suggests, search engine results and online reviews are managed under it, with the aim to safeguard your organization’s brand reputation from any kind of negative exposure online. 

It not just comprises of taking note of the social conversations, but also responding to the received comments and routine interaction with your online audience, so as to influence their opinions in favor of your brand.

Glassdoor for ORM:

Amongst the various platforms that can be used for effective ORM, Glassdoor is a trusted and widely recognized one. Especially for the employers. 

Glassdoor is amongst the world’s largest job and recruiting sites that basically allows employer branding through profile creation for your company, respond to your reviews facility and so on. That’s the reason majority of the employers out there have their presence on Glassdoor. 

It has on offer a database of interview questions and reviews, company reviews, ratings, salaries & insights etc. Visitors (employees, interviewees etc.) can contribute and share their real-time experiences in the form of reviews. Be it negative or positive.

Glassdoor based ORM model from IBRANDtech:

IBRANDtech brings to you, an exclusive and dedicated Glassdoor ORM model based on the needs of your business. It involves profile creation and building, transformation and management of reviews, positive brand and perception building and all that is required. Complete 
online reputation management of your brand. 

Be assured that with us, your online reputation is in safe hands. 

Looking forward to associating with you.


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