How to Join National Investigation Agency
Do you realize that few offices work in the shadows to make our country safe? While CBI would one say one is of the head organizations, have you known about the NIA? While CBI directs the majority of its examination openly, NIA works behind a shade. They are mysterious as they serve the country.

National Investigation Agency (the full type of NIA) is one of India's counter-terrorism teams. This office is one of the main few offices with the ability to examine and make captures with no uncommon authorization from the Indian states. This organization appeared uniquely in 2008, it isn't just about as old as the Central Bureau of Investigation. 

It was the 26/11 fear assault in Mumbai that set off the making of NIA as the focal government became mindful that the lack of the current knowledge organization in India. NIA is settled in New Delhi, and it has branches in Lucknow, Kolkata, Jammu, Guwahati, Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Kochi. In India, NIA is the one office that keeps up with the most needed. 

Not at all like the majority of the other examination offices in India, NIA's legitimate purview is around the world. The NIA goes under the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India. While this office has the essential capacity of counter-terrorism, today, this organization likewise researches illegal exploitation, dissemination of phoney Indian and unfamiliar cash, illicit arms deals, and digital terrorism from abroad and inside. The law commanding the force of the National Investigation Agency was passed in Lok Sabha. 

Aside from every one of these, the Central Government has relegated a portion of the courts for the path of NIA examined cases. The courts, judges, and the cases are relegated by the Chief Justice of the High Court of that district. The Supreme court of India is likewise engaged to do likewise. 

Before we dive deep into how to find a new line of work in NIA you should know a portion of current realities about this NIA and how this organization is not the same as CBI.