How much does it cost to develop a dating app like Tinder
To develop an app like Tinder, you should know How much does it cost to develop a dating app like Tinder? | To know more read more.

Gone are the days when people spent time together and it was love at first sight. There are so many dating apps like tinder that are getting popular because people choose their better half.


Now love is just a click away, all you have to do is swipe right and left to choose that special someone. When a dating app like Tinder allows a person to choose their partner, it gives the parent company a way to turn a profit and increase revenue.


Dating app development has a lot of experience in this field and knows how to offer solutions according to your characteristics and ideas.


The mantra of making money on dating apps


Usually, free versions have limited features and users have to pay extra to unlock special features. Tinder mainly makes money from in-app ads, subscriptions, premium plans, as well as in-app purchases, so they can change locations, reverse swipes, turn off ads, and more. Other apps like Badoo, Bumble, Happn, Gleeden have also jumped ahead and started selling premium features for third-party in-app product ads.


Dating apps are growing in popularity at lightning speed and are especially targeted at Millennials and Gen-Z. The hope of finding the right date or future life partner draws the digital age crowd to dating app platforms. Finally, these dating apps also need to continually engage existing customers and acquire new ones.


Note: To develop an app like tinder app, you should enquire about top app development companies in oman


Tinder Feature Set


UI / Design / Animation


Every screen in your app and every point of interaction on those screens will spend more time designing and animating your app. Animation is a key factor in user retention in any app, but when creating an experience designed to entice users, animation is essential.


Depending on the number of features your app uses, your UI/UX costs can range from $6,000 to $15,000. If your app is being developed for both iOS and Android, this time will almost double (this applies to most app features).


Social login integration


A quick installation process is another important development choice when it comes to maximizing app user retention. The fewer steps a user has to take to use your app, the better. This is where social login integration comes in.


Tinder associates a user with a Facebook profile and creates unique credentials for that user that the user can use to log into Tinder. While the user is still effectively logged in through Facebook, Tinder creates a unique tag based on the user's Facebook profile to increase their security. Installing this feature can cost anywhere from $300 to $1,500, depending on the level of security desired.


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Instant messages


Tinder's chat functionality can be replicated using a messaging service such as Pubnub or Apache Kafka.


PubNub can provide real-time integration of chat features, IoT device connectivity and streaming, maps, GPS, push notifications, and alerts. PubNub services start at $49 per month plus data charges.


Kafka can be used for messaging, website activity monitoring, logging, stream processing, and event sourcing. Like everything under the Apache license, it's open source, so it's free to install.


There are many more real-time services that provide real-time chat functionality, such as AWS and Google Firebase. To learn more about real-time implementation, see our How much does it cost to implement real-time updates in an app? a diary.


Facebook data integration


When a user chooses to sign in using Facebook, Tinder will obtain specific information from their Facebook profile, such as mutual friends and shared hobbies, as well as their location. Tinder helps users find potential romantic partners by using the data it has gathered.


Installing such a feature can range from $10,000 to $13,500, depending on how much information you want the app to collect.


User profile


In order to track who a user has matched with, matched with, rejected, and rejected, Tinder must store data associated with individual user profiles. This data would be collected and stored in the backend in data tables located on remote servers.


When users add a profile picture, edit their bio, or make any changes to their profile, the app will rewrite the data stored on the server. Every time a user views another user's profile, they connect to the server that contains the relevant data.


Implementing a feature like this can take 120-200 hours of development time – building the data layers required for an app like Tinder is a huge undertaking. Also, keep in mind that managing a growing user base over time can significantly increase back-end server maintenance costs.




We all know how the process of using Tinder works; if a user swipes directly over another user's photo, and then that user swipes directly over another user's photo, a match is created and users can start chatting using the app.


While this creates a flow that is easy for the user to understand, real-time data transfer must occur for this feature to be implemented properly.


This feature can cost anywhere from $1,500 to $3,000 to build.




Notifications are one of the most effective ways to engage users when they are not directly using your app. They're also incredibly practical calls-to-action — if a Tinder user agrees, they can be alerted with a direct message alerted as such. Alternatively, if a user has run out of swipes in a month but has a lot of potential matches, you can encourage the user to buy more swipes so they can connect with users who have shown interest in their profile.


Local services


Tinder automatically detects a user's location and provides potential matches based on that location. Tinder also gives users the ability to pin their location in a specific area and completely change their location.


This feature would take anywhere from three to five hours to install, but this estimate may vary depending on the complexity of the system you are building and the SDK you are using.


In-app purchase


Tinder uses in-app purchases to boost its revenue, from paid subscriptions to emoji packs that users can make in-app purchases. You can use a payment API like Stripe to implement in-app purchases.


Proper integration of this feature can range from $4,000 to $5,000.


How much will it cost to create a dating app?


Tinder app development cost is dependent on the functionality and complexity of the app, a basic dating app for any of the platforms (Android or iOS) can cost between 40-50k. USD. Also, if you plan to make your dating app work on both platforms, the development cost can reach up to $90,000 or more. In short, the more features, the higher the development costs. That's why you need to determine your goals and motivations before you hit the market and look for the right dating top app development company in Kuwait


API design and dating app integration typically involves UI/UX designers, Android, iOS, and backend developers, QA engineers, and a project manager to keep everything in sync. It's easier to work with an app development company that has a full-fledged team of experts who take on the project of your dream dating app, rather than finding and bringing in different experts.


Author: I’m Anita Basa, a fascinating Technical Content writer currently working at “Hyena Information Technologies”, one of the best mobile app development companies in Saudi Arabia. Interested to know about technology updates. Mobile App Development, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, IOS, and Technology-related content Get connected with me on Linkedin.